• Resolved lebsteve


    Data as requested:

    [STEP] [2022-05-21 08:19:08] Looking for PHP CLI executable file.
    [WARN] [2022-05-21 08:19:08] PHP CLI is disabled in your php.ini file, the process may be unstable.
    [WARN] [2022-05-21 08:19:08] PHP CLI will not run due to user settings in plugin other options.
    [STEP] [2022-05-21 08:19:08] Initializing backup...
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:08] Backup & Migration version: 1.2.1
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:08] Site which will be backed up: ***site_url***
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:08] PHP Version: 7.4.23
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:08] WP Version: 5.9.3
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:08] MySQL Version: 5.6.51
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:08] MySQL Max Length: 16777216
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:08] Web server: Apache
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:08] Max execution time (in seconds): 259200
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:08] Max rows per query (this site): 300
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:08] Checking if backup dir is writable...
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:08] Premium plugin is enabled and activated
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:08] Initializing custom error handler
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-21 08:19:08] Yup it is writable...
    [STEP] [2022-05-21 08:19:08] Scanning files...
    [STEP] [2022-05-21 08:19:12] Checking free space, reserving...
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:12] Requires at least 578353674 bytes. [551.56 MB]
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:12] Disk free space function is not disabled - using it...
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:12] Checking this path/partition: ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/***backup_path***/backups
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-21 08:19:12] There is 891,987.69 MB free. [871.08 GB]
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-21 08:19:12] Great! We have enough space.
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-21 08:19:12] Confirmed, there is more than enough space, checked: 578353674 bytes
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:12] Scanning done - found 7723 files...
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-21 08:19:12] Backup initialized...
    [STEP] [2022-05-21 08:19:12] Initializing archiving system...
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-21 08:19:12] Archive system initialized...
    [STEP] [2022-05-21 08:19:12] Preparing map of files...
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-21 08:19:12] Files prepared.
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:12] Starting compression process...
    [STEP] [2022-05-21 08:19:12] Smart memory calculation...
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:12] There is 384 MBs of memory to use
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:12] WordPress memory limit: 256 MBs
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-21 08:19:12] Setting the safe limit to 86 MB
    [STEP] [2022-05-21 08:19:12] Making database backup (using V2 engine, requires at least v1.1.0 to restore)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:12] Iterating database...
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:12] Memory usage after initialization: 19.73 MB
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:12] Scan found 50 tables (31593 rows), estimated total size: 45.53 MB.
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:12] Memory usage after getting table names: 19.76 MB
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:12] Getting table recipes...
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:13] Table recipes have been exported.
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:13] Memory usage after loading recipes: 19.79 MB
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:13] Saving recipes...
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:13] Recipes saved.
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:13] Memory usage after recipe off-load: 19.77 MB
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:13] Exporting table data...
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:13] Getting data of table: vp_backup_wp_actionscheduler_actions (0.16 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:13] Table: vp_backup_wp_actionscheduler_actions cloned, operation took: 0.01772 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:13] Getting data of table: vp_backup_wp_actionscheduler_claims (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:13] Table: vp_backup_wp_actionscheduler_claims cloned, operation took: 0.00341 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:13] Getting data of table: vp_backup_wp_actionscheduler_groups (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:13] Table: vp_backup_wp_actionscheduler_groups cloned, operation took: 0.00455 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:13] Getting data of table: vp_backup_wp_actionscheduler_logs (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:13] Table: vp_backup_wp_actionscheduler_logs cloned, operation took: 0.01236 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:13] Getting data of table: vp_backup_wp_commentmeta (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:13] Table: vp_backup_wp_commentmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00761 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:13] Getting data of table: vp_backup_wp_comments (0.09 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:13] Table: vp_backup_wp_comments cloned, operation took: 0.00869 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:13] Getting data of table: vp_backup_wp_links (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:13] Table: vp_backup_wp_links cloned, operation took: 0.00245 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:13] Getting data of table: vp_backup_wp_options (6.11 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:13] Table: vp_backup_wp_options cloned, operation took: 0.45638 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:13] Getting data of table: vp_backup_wp_podpress_statcounts (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:13] Table: vp_backup_wp_podpress_statcounts cloned, operation took: 0.00222 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:13] Getting data of table: vp_backup_wp_podpress_stats (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:13] Table: vp_backup_wp_podpress_stats cloned, operation took: 0.00233 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:13] Getting data of table: vp_backup_wp_postmeta (1.75 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:14] Table: vp_backup_wp_postmeta cloned, operation took: 0.40146 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:14] Getting data of table: vp_backup_wp_posts (4.64 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:15] Table: vp_backup_wp_posts cloned, operation took: 1.38259 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:15] Getting data of table: vp_backup_wp_term_relationships (0.08 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:15] Table: vp_backup_wp_term_relationships cloned, operation took: 0.02961 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:15] Getting data of table: vp_backup_wp_term_taxonomy (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:15] Table: vp_backup_wp_term_taxonomy cloned, operation took: 0.00635 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:15] Getting data of table: vp_backup_wp_termmeta (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:15] Table: vp_backup_wp_termmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00252 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:15] Getting data of table: vp_backup_wp_terms (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:15] Table: vp_backup_wp_terms cloned, operation took: 0.00706 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:15] Getting data of table: vp_backup_wp_ulike (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:15] Table: vp_backup_wp_ulike cloned, operation took: 0.02163 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:15] Getting data of table: vp_backup_wp_ulike_activities (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:15] Table: vp_backup_wp_ulike_activities cloned, operation took: 0.00281 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:15] Getting data of table: vp_backup_wp_ulike_comments (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:15] Table: vp_backup_wp_ulike_comments cloned, operation took: 0.00267 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:15] Getting data of table: vp_backup_wp_ulike_forums (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:15] Table: vp_backup_wp_ulike_forums cloned, operation took: 0.00247 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:15] Getting data of table: vp_backup_wp_ulike_meta (0.06 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:15] Table: vp_backup_wp_ulike_meta cloned, operation took: 0.03893 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:15] Getting data of table: vp_backup_wp_usermeta (0.08 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:15] Table: vp_backup_wp_usermeta cloned, operation took: 0.01333 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:15] Getting data of table: vp_backup_wp_users (0.06 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:15] Table: vp_backup_wp_users cloned, operation took: 0.00544 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:15] Getting data of table: vp_backup_wp_wpforms_tasks_meta (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:15] Table: vp_backup_wp_wpforms_tasks_meta cloned, operation took: 0.01245 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:15] Getting data of table: wp_actionscheduler_actions (0.14 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:15] Table: wp_actionscheduler_actions cloned, operation took: 0.00991 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:15] Getting data of table: wp_actionscheduler_claims (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:15] Table: wp_actionscheduler_claims cloned, operation took: 0.00268 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:15] Getting data of table: wp_actionscheduler_groups (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:15] Table: wp_actionscheduler_groups cloned, operation took: 0.00527 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:15] Getting data of table: wp_actionscheduler_logs (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:15] Table: wp_actionscheduler_logs cloned, operation took: 0.00947 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:15] Getting data of table: wp_commentmeta (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:15] Table: wp_commentmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00227 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:15] Getting data of table: wp_comments (0.09 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:15] Table: wp_comments cloned, operation took: 0.00240 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:15] Getting data of table: wp_links (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:15] Table: wp_links cloned, operation took: 0.00300 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:15] Getting data of table: wp_options (6.14 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:16] Table: wp_options cloned, operation took: 0.74329 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:16] Getting data of table: wp_podpress_statcounts (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:16] Table: wp_podpress_statcounts cloned, operation took: 0.00286 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:16] Getting data of table: wp_podpress_stats (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:16] Table: wp_podpress_stats cloned, operation took: 0.00330 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:16] Getting data of table: wp_postmeta (3.20 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:17] Table: wp_postmeta cloned, operation took: 0.67723 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:17] Getting data of table: wp_posts (21.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:19] Table: wp_posts cloned, operation took: 2.38796 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:19] Getting data of table: wp_term_relationships (0.19 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:19] Table: wp_term_relationships cloned, operation took: 0.05293 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:19] Getting data of table: wp_term_taxonomy (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:19] Table: wp_term_taxonomy cloned, operation took: 0.00683 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:19] Getting data of table: wp_termmeta (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:19] Table: wp_termmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00262 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:19] Getting data of table: wp_terms (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:19] Table: wp_terms cloned, operation took: 0.00656 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:19] Getting data of table: wp_ulike (0.08 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:19] Table: wp_ulike cloned, operation took: 0.02680 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:19] Getting data of table: wp_ulike_activities (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:19] Table: wp_ulike_activities cloned, operation took: 0.00300 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:19] Getting data of table: wp_ulike_comments (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:19] Table: wp_ulike_comments cloned, operation took: 0.00286 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:19] Getting data of table: wp_ulike_forums (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:19] Table: wp_ulike_forums cloned, operation took: 0.00308 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:19] Getting data of table: wp_ulike_meta (0.28 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:19] Table: wp_ulike_meta cloned, operation took: 0.05857 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:19] Getting data of table: wp_usermeta (0.08 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:19] Table: wp_usermeta cloned, operation took: 0.01232 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:19] Getting data of table: wp_users (0.06 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:19] Table: wp_users cloned, operation took: 0.00622 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:19] Getting data of table: wp_wpforms_tasks_meta (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:19] Table: wp_wpforms_tasks_meta cloned, operation took: 0.02435 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:19] Getting data of table: wp_wpvivid_scan_result (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:19] Table: wp_wpvivid_scan_result cloned, operation took: 0.00277 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:19] Getting data of table: wp_wpvivid_unused_uploads_files (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:19] Table: wp_wpvivid_unused_uploads_files cloned, operation took: 0.00286 ms
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:19] Table data exported.
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:19] Memory usage after data export: 19.75 MB
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:19] Entire process took: 6.9913 s
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-21 08:19:19] Database backup finished
    [STEP] [2022-05-21 08:19:19] Making archive
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:19] Compressing...
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:19] Using PclZip module to create the backup
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:19] Legacy setting: Using server-sided script and cURL based loop for better capabilities
    [INFO] [2022-05-21 08:19:19] Starting background process on server-side...
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-21 08:19:19] Request sent successfully, without error returned.
    [WARN] [2022-05-21 08:19:21] Could not find any response from the server, trying again in 3 seconds.
    [WARN] [2022-05-21 08:19:24] Still nothing backup probably is not running.
    [STEP] [2022-05-21 08:19:24] Reverting backup, removing file...
    [ERROR] [2022-05-21 08:19:24] There was an error during backup...
    [ERROR] [2022-05-21 08:19:24] Backup could not run on your server, please check global logs.
    [STEP] [2022-05-21 08:19:24] Aborting backup...
    [DOWNLOAD GENERATED] File downloaded on (server time): 2022-05-21 08:19:34
    [DOWNLOAD GENERATED] Last update (seconds): 26 seconds ago
    [DOWNLOAD GENERATED] Last update (date): 2022-05-21 08:19:08
Viewing 2 replies - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)
  • Plugin Author iClyde


    Hi @lebsteve

    Seems like cURL is not installed or it does not work properly on your website.
    Because of that backup method that uses the module can’t run, which causes error.

    Please follow these steps:
    1. Go to “Other options” section
    2. Change backup method (last option): https://prnt.sc/1s1ofpa
    3. Disable PHP CLI checking: https://prnt.sc/1sljr31
    4. Modify query output: https://prnt.sc/1trxucl (set this value to 100)
    5. Save “Other options” section
    6. Force stop both processes: https://prnt.sc/1trv1tm

    Once you do that, try to run your backup once again.

    Let me know if that worked for you ??
    Thank you!

    Plugin Author iClyde


    As we didn’t hear any reply in last days.
    I can assume that you resolved the issue.

    Feel free to open new topic if I am wrong!
    Thank you ??

Viewing 2 replies - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)
  • The topic ‘Backup Failed’ is closed to new replies.