• Resolved clart


    The backup runs on schedule but fails.
    I tried it several times manually and it always fails when creating the zip file around 11Mb in size. Heres the screen message:

    Internal Server Error

    The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

    Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

    More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

    Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

    Backup failed!

    Please advise.
    Thank you.


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  • Thread Starter clart


    Ok, got the new version and ran a backup – it failed, here’s the message;

    Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 22806528) (tried to allocate 65484 bytes) in /homepages/35/d30352212/htdocs/winton/wp-content/plugins/cyan-backup/includes/class-wp-backuper.php on line 545

    Plugin Author Greg Ross


    Slight bug in the new exclusion code, should be fixed now in 1.6.4.

    Thread Starter clart


    Installed 1.6.4 went into options. cleared status and delete files, click on update and get this message;

    Fatal error: Call to undefined method CYAN_Utilities::recursive_rmdir() in /homepages/35/d30352212/htdocs/winton/wp-content/plugins/cyan-backup/includes/class-cyan-utilities.php on line 40

    After trying to backup yesterday my ui was stuck on “Backup Now” button as pressed and below the message “Calculating backup size…”, after updating to 1.6.4 nothing changed. Even if I press it anyway, nothing changes.

    After emptying the backup destination directory the button unstuck, and it successfully made a backup.

    I talk too fast.
    3/4 istances work.
    The linux remote “k” instance (clone of local “k”) doesn’t work.
    It is in the same server as “realpd”, same identical configuration.
    I tried to deactivate all plugins (https://webdevstudios.com/plugin/custom-post-type-ui/, https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/, akismet (default)), and later even to uninstall the first 2.
    Those are not installed in the other istance of WP.
    I was not successful even deleting the plugins.
    I noticed that even after deletion the “Custom Port Type UI” field was still living in the Admin Panel, though this might be intended?
    That’s the only difference, but for content, that I’m aware between the 2 installations.

    I tried to install all plugins in the other istance as well, CYAN backup kept working, even after updating to 1.6.5.
    Even in 1.6.5, with or without plugins, “k” remote keeps not working.
    I see no error message sadly.

    I was finally able to triangulate the problem.
    The difference was that the “working” istance runs ONLY over https (this is intentional, since it’s used with pyd.io for file sincronization and I don’t want anybody to work non-SSL, ever), while the “non working” istance is the live site with both http:80 and https:443 in front-page and forced https:443 on admin panel.
    When in Admin Panel -> General -> Site Address (URL) is:
    https://domain, CYAN throws an error.
    https://domain, CYAN works.
    While Admin Panel -> General -> WordPress Address (URL) works in both cases instead.
    What Site Address does is changing all links, both AP and FP, to be https. Unnecessary in my case.
    CYAN seems to be able to work in an http (like I have in windows local instance) or in an https enviroment, but it gets stuck when the enviroment becomes hybrid.
    I hope you can fix that Mr. Ross.
    Thanks for the plugin by the way,

    Thread Starter clart


    It may benefit with an option to maybe view and /or at least list and delete the log files, as they cannot be noticed unless using FTP.

    In my case, with trial and error exclusions to pinpoint the cause of the fail, the log files tend to build up and take up space;

    winton/backup/winton.20140311.131703.log 2,163,681 Text Document
    winton/backup/winton.20140311.133258.log 2,163,681 Text Document
    winton/backup/winton.20140311.133907.log 2,163,681 Text Document
    winton/backup/winton.20140311.134146.log 2,163,681 Text Document
    winton/backup/winton.20140311.140008.log 2,163,681 Text Document

    Plugin Author Greg Ross


    Dzhalagash: what happens when you execute the backup, what’s the last log message you get. I don’t see anything in the code the pops out at me as to a cause for this, the backup code doesn’t use any remote connections.

    clart: I have to admit I’m kind of surprised there’s not a file management plugin for WordPress, but since this is a slightly weird scenario for debugging, you might just want to enable pruning at set the number to a low value like 1 or 2.

    Did you get any additional info with 1.6.5?

    Greg, nothing happens.
    When I try to execute the backup with the incorrect options (without httpS), nothing gets written. All I can see is the “Backup failed” message. The backup destination folder remains empty.
    “X undefined” and “Backup failed!”.

    Plugin Author Greg Ross


    Dzhalagash: Ok, I know what’s wrong, the backup is called via a JavaScript AJAX request, which is getting redirected which is a failure.

    I’ll add an option to ‘force’ https for backups.

    Thanks Greg.

    Thread Starter clart


    I have pruned all my site of unused plugins, themes, unnecessary language files, etc to get to the minimum currently in use.

    Theses are all the plugins installed;


    I have selectively excluded / included each one of them whilst trying the backup each time.

    I have got the list down to just 3 exclusions;


    If I include any one of those, the backup fails and no zip file is completed.

    At the moment, with those excluded, the backup is kind of on the fence, meaning that it will run and complete the zip file but it throws an internal server error and backup failed message. I can download and unzip the file ok and it send the backup ok email.
    The backup.active file is still there and the status.log shows this;

    Deleting /homepages/35/d30352212/htdocs/winton/backup/winton.20140313.164706/winton/wp-includes/css/jquery-ui-dialog.css…
    2014-03-13 16:47:220

    Each one of those 3 plugins excluded has more files than any of the others.
    Maybe its the number of files causing the problem ?

    Plugin Author Greg Ross


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