Backup failed
[STEP] [2021-12-03 16:55:25] Suche nach ausführbarer PHP-CLI-Datei.
[WARN] [2021-12-03 16:55:25] Es konnte keine geeignete ausführbare PHP-CLI-Datei gefunden werden, dieser Prozess ist m?glicherweise instabil.
[WARN] [2021-12-03 16:55:25] PHP CLI-Datei kann aus unbekanntem Grund nicht ausgeführt werden.
[STEP] [2021-12-03 16:55:25] Sicherung wird gestartet…
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:25] Backup & Migration-Version: 1.1.6
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:25] Zu sichernde Website:
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:25] PHP-Version: 7.4.26
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:25] WP Version: 5.8.2
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:25] Webserver: nginx/1.20.1
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:25] Maximale Ausführungszeit (in Sekunden): 259200
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:25] Maximal Zeilen pro Abfrage (diese Website): 500
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:25] Prüfe, ob Backup-Verzeichnis beschreibbar ist…
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:25] Premium-Plugin ist freigeschaltet und aktiviert
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:25] Custom-Error-Handler wird initiiert
[SUCCESS] [2021-12-03 16:55:25] Ja, er ist beschreibbar…
[STEP] [2021-12-03 16:55:25] Dateien werden gescannt…
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:35] Meilenstein: 30000/56232
[WARN] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Datei wird aus der Sicherung entfernt (zu gro?)***ABSPATH***/wp-content/uploads/Fahrzuege Sankt Gangloff.mp4 (595.33 MB)
[WARN] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Datei wird aus der Sicherung entfernt (zu gro?)***ABSPATH***/wp-content/uploads/wp-clone/ (4,714.95 MB)
[WARN] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Datei wird aus der Sicherung entfernt (zu gro?)***ABSPATH***/wp-content/backupwordpress-2151240ade-backups/ (529.52 MB)
[WARN] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Datei wird aus der Sicherung entfernt (zu gro?)***ABSPATH***/wp-content/backupwordpress-2151240ade-backups/ (545.42 MB)
[STEP] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Verfügbarer Speicherplatz wird reserviert…
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Erfordert mindestens 7355825941Bytes. [6,85 GB]
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] disk_free_space()-Funktion wird verwendet…
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Pfad/Partition wird überprüft:***ABSPATH***/wp-content/***backup_path***/backups
[SUCCESS] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Noch36,686.68 MB frei. [35,83 GB]
[SUCCESS] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Super! Es gibt genug Speicherplatz!
[SUCCESS] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Best?tigt, es gibt mehr als genug Platz, überprüft: 7355825941 Bytes
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Scan abgeschlossen – gefunden:56232Dateien…
[SUCCESS] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Sicherung gestartet…
[STEP] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Starte Archivierungssystem …
[SUCCESS] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Archivierungssystem gestartet
[STEP] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] übersicht der Dateien wird vorbereitet…
[SUCCESS] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Dateien vorbereitet.
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Komprimierung wird gestartet…
[STEP] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Smarte Speicherberechnung…
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] 512 MB Speicherplatz zur Verfügung
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] WordPress-Speicherlimit: 512 MBs
[SUCCESS] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Sicherheitsgrenze wird auf 115 MB festgelegt
[STEP] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Erstellen eines Datenbank-Backups (mit V2 Engine, erfordert mindestens v1.1.0 zum Wiederherstellen)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Datenbank wird iteriert…
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Memory usage after initialization: 40.92 MB
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Scan found 250 tables (46674 rows), estimated total size: 28,9 MB.
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Memory usage after getting table names: 41.03 MB
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting table recipes…
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table recipes have been exported.
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Memory usage after loading recipes: 41.23 MB
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Saving recipes…
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Recipes saved.
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Memory usage after recipe off-load: 41.08 MB
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Exporting table data…
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_abc_booking_extras (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_abc_booking_extras cloned, operation took: 0.00095 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_abc_bookings (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_abc_bookings cloned, operation took: 0.00121 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_abc_calendars (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_abc_calendars cloned, operation took: 0.00068 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_abc_extras (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_abc_extras cloned, operation took: 0.00069 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_abc_requests (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_abc_requests cloned, operation took: 0.00092 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_abc_rooms (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_abc_rooms cloned, operation took: 0.00069 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_abc_seasons (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_abc_seasons cloned, operation took: 0.00026 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_abc_seasons_assignment (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_abc_seasons_assignment cloned, operation took: 0.00026 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_androapp_stats (0.01 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_androapp_stats cloned, operation took: 0.00305 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_api_setting (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_api_setting cloned, operation took: 0.00076 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_b2s_post_sched_settings (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_b2s_post_sched_settings cloned, operation took: 0.00024 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_b2s_posts (0.06 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_b2s_posts cloned, operation took: 0.01388 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_b2s_posts_drafts (0.01 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_b2s_posts_drafts cloned, operation took: 0.00088 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_b2s_posts_favorites (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_b2s_posts_favorites cloned, operation took: 0.00037 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_b2s_posts_network_details (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_b2s_posts_network_details cloned, operation took: 0.00086 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_b2s_posts_sched_details (0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_b2s_posts_sched_details cloned, operation took: 0.00204 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_b2s_user (0.01 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_b2s_user cloned, operation took: 0.00083 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_b2s_user_contact (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_b2s_user_contact cloned, operation took: 0.00024 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_b2s_user_network_settings (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_b2s_user_network_settings cloned, operation took: 0.00025 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_commentmeta (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_commentmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00027 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_comments (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_comments cloned, operation took: 0.00024 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_einsaetze (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_einsaetze cloned, operation took: 0.00129 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_et_social_stats (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_et_social_stats cloned, operation took: 0.00055 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_events (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_events cloned, operation took: 0.00231 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_gwolle_gb_entries (0.01 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_gwolle_gb_entries cloned, operation took: 0.00309 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_gwolle_gb_log (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_gwolle_gb_log cloned, operation took: 0.00320 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_hugeit_slider_slide (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_hugeit_slider_slide cloned, operation took: 0.00130 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_hugeit_slider_slider (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_hugeit_slider_slider cloned, operation took: 0.00115 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_impressum_manager_content (0.01 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_impressum_manager_content cloned, operation took: 0.00225 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_links (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_links cloned, operation took: 0.00030 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_custom_fields (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_custom_fields cloned, operation took: 0.00024 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_forms (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_forms cloned, operation took: 0.00139 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_mapping_to_external_entities (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_mapping_to_external_entities cloned, operation took: 0.00021 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_newsletter_links (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_newsletter_links cloned, operation took: 0.00023 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_newsletter_option (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_newsletter_option cloned, operation took: 0.00021 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_newsletter_option_fields (0.01 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_newsletter_option_fields cloned, operation took: 0.00138 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_newsletter_posts (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_newsletter_posts cloned, operation took: 0.00024 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_newsletter_segment (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_newsletter_segment cloned, operation took: 0.00060 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_newsletter_templates (0.19 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_newsletter_templates cloned, operation took: 0.00498 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_newsletters (0.01 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_newsletters cloned, operation took: 0.00102 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_scheduled_task_subscribers (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_scheduled_task_subscribers cloned, operation took: 0.00021 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_scheduled_tasks (0.01 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_scheduled_tasks cloned, operation took: 0.00077 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_segments (0.01 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_segments cloned, operation took: 0.00087 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_sending_queues (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_sending_queues cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_settings (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_settings cloned, operation took: 0.00098 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_statistics_clicks (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_statistics_clicks cloned, operation took: 0.00023 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_statistics_forms (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_statistics_forms cloned, operation took: 0.00026 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_statistics_newsletters (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_statistics_newsletters cloned, operation took: 0.00023 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_statistics_opens (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_statistics_opens cloned, operation took: 0.00023 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_statistics_unsubscribes (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_statistics_unsubscribes cloned, operation took: 0.00025 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_subscriber_custom_field (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_subscriber_custom_field cloned, operation took: 0.00031 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_subscriber_ips (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_subscriber_ips cloned, operation took: 0.00027 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:42] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_subscriber_segment (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_subscriber_segment cloned, operation took: 0.00155 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_subscribers (0.01 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Table: mytcMVFWg_mailpoet_subscribers cloned, operation took: 0.00123 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_mobiloud_categories (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Table: mytcMVFWg_mobiloud_categories cloned, operation took: 0.00083 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_mobiloud_notification_categories (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Table: mytcMVFWg_mobiloud_notification_categories cloned, operation took: 0.00029 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_mobiloud_notifications (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Table: mytcMVFWg_mobiloud_notifications cloned, operation took: 0.00030 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_mobiloud_pages (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Table: mytcMVFWg_mobiloud_pages cloned, operation took: 0.00086 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_nextend2_image_storage (0.15 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Table: mytcMVFWg_nextend2_image_storage cloned, operation took: 0.01283 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_nextend2_section_storage (0.01 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Table: mytcMVFWg_nextend2_section_storage cloned, operation took: 0.00121 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_nextend2_smartslider3_generators (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Table: mytcMVFWg_nextend2_smartslider3_generators cloned, operation took: 0.00103 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_nextend2_smartslider3_sliders (0.09 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Table: mytcMVFWg_nextend2_smartslider3_sliders cloned, operation took: 0.00258 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_nextend2_smartslider3_sliders_xref (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Table: mytcMVFWg_nextend2_smartslider3_sliders_xref cloned, operation took: 0.00070 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_nextend2_smartslider3_slides (0.12 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Table: mytcMVFWg_nextend2_smartslider3_slides cloned, operation took: 0.02102 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_nh_locations (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Table: mytcMVFWg_nh_locations cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_options (3.65 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Table: mytcMVFWg_options cloned, operation took: 0.07701 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_postmeta (3.74 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Table: mytcMVFWg_postmeta cloned, operation took: 0.21790 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_posts (2.78 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Table: mytcMVFWg_posts cloned, operation took: 0.22831 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_pw_gcmusers (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Table: mytcMVFWg_pw_gcmusers cloned, operation took: 0.00144 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_revslider_css (0.09 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Table: mytcMVFWg_revslider_css cloned, operation took: 0.00574 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_revslider_layer_animations (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Table: mytcMVFWg_revslider_layer_animations cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_revslider_navigations (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Table: mytcMVFWg_revslider_navigations cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_revslider_sliders (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Table: mytcMVFWg_revslider_sliders cloned, operation took: 0.00021 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_revslider_slides (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Table: mytcMVFWg_revslider_slides cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_revslider_static_slides (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Table: mytcMVFWg_revslider_static_slides cloned, operation took: 0.00023 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_term_relationships (0.14 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Table: mytcMVFWg_term_relationships cloned, operation took: 0.00974 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_term_taxonomy (0.15 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Table: mytcMVFWg_term_taxonomy cloned, operation took: 0.01062 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_termmeta (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Table: mytcMVFWg_termmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00350 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_terms (0.07 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Table: mytcMVFWg_terms cloned, operation took: 0.00882 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_tm_taskmeta (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Table: mytcMVFWg_tm_taskmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_tm_tasks (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Table: mytcMVFWg_tm_tasks cloned, operation took: 0.00021 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_usermeta (0.04 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Table: mytcMVFWg_usermeta cloned, operation took: 0.00425 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_users (0.01 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Table: mytcMVFWg_users cloned, operation took: 0.00102 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_wdpslayer (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Table: mytcMVFWg_wdpslayer cloned, operation took: 0.00093 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_wdpsslide (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Table: mytcMVFWg_wdpsslide cloned, operation took: 0.00075 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_wdpsslider (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Table: mytcMVFWg_wdpsslider cloned, operation took: 0.00117 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_yoast_indexable (1.04 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Table: mytcMVFWg_yoast_indexable cloned, operation took: 0.36729 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_yoast_indexable_hierarchy (0.04 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Table: mytcMVFWg_yoast_indexable_hierarchy cloned, operation took: 0.00337 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_yoast_migrations (0.01 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Table: mytcMVFWg_yoast_migrations cloned, operation took: 0.00076 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_yoast_primary_term (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Table: mytcMVFWg_yoast_primary_term cloned, operation took: 0.00468 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_yoast_prominent_words (0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Table: mytcMVFWg_yoast_prominent_words cloned, operation took: 0.00348 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:43] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_yoast_seo_links (0.12 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: mytcMVFWg_yoast_seo_links cloned, operation took: 0.04370 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: mytcMVFWg_yoast_seo_meta (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: mytcMVFWg_yoast_seo_meta cloned, operation took: 0.00365 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ__wpmybk_files (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ__wpmybk_files cloned, operation took: 0.00141 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ__wpmybk_jobs (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ__wpmybk_jobs cloned, operation took: 0.00061 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ__wpmybk_keys (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ__wpmybk_keys cloned, operation took: 0.00025 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ__wpmybk_paths (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ__wpmybk_paths cloned, operation took: 0.00049 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ__wpmybk_sources (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ__wpmybk_sources cloned, operation took: 0.00053 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ__wpmybk_stats (0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ__wpmybk_stats cloned, operation took: 0.00414 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ__wpmybk_sysinfo (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ__wpmybk_sysinfo cloned, operation took: 0.00053 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ__wpmybk_sysinfo_cpu (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ__wpmybk_sysinfo_cpu cloned, operation took: 0.00024 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ__wpmybk_sysinfo_mem (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ__wpmybk_sysinfo_mem cloned, operation took: 0.00056 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_abc_booking_extras (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_abc_booking_extras cloned, operation took: 0.00085 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_abc_bookings (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_abc_bookings cloned, operation took: 0.00143 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_abc_calendars (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_abc_calendars cloned, operation took: 0.00079 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_abc_extras (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_abc_extras cloned, operation took: 0.00068 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_abc_requests (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_abc_requests cloned, operation took: 0.00102 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_abc_rooms (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_abc_rooms cloned, operation took: 0.00066 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_abc_seasons (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_abc_seasons cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_abc_seasons_assignment (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_abc_seasons_assignment cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_appointments (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_appointments cloned, operation took: 0.00023 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_cache (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_cache cloned, operation took: 0.00024 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_categories (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_categories cloned, operation took: 0.00054 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_coupons (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_coupons cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_coupons_to_events (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_coupons_to_events cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_coupons_to_services (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_coupons_to_services cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_custom_fields (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_custom_fields cloned, operation took: 0.00024 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_custom_fields_events (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_custom_fields_events cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_custom_fields_options (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_custom_fields_options cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_custom_fields_services (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_custom_fields_services cloned, operation took: 0.00023 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_customer_bookings (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_customer_bookings cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_customer_bookings_to_events_periods (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_customer_bookings_to_events_periods cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_customer_bookings_to_extras (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_customer_bookings_to_extras cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_events (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_events cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_events_periods (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_events_periods cloned, operation took: 0.00024 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_events_tags (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_events_tags cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_events_to_providers (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_events_to_providers cloned, operation took: 0.00024 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_extras (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_extras cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_galleries (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_galleries cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_locations (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_locations cloned, operation took: 0.00024 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_locations_views (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_locations_views cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_notifications (0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_notifications cloned, operation took: 0.00484 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_notifications_log (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_notifications_log cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_notifications_sms_history (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_notifications_sms_history cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_packages (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_packages cloned, operation took: 0.00024 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_packages_customers_to_services (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_packages_customers_to_services cloned, operation took: 0.00025 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_packages_services_to_locations (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_packages_services_to_locations cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_packages_services_to_providers (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_packages_services_to_providers cloned, operation took: 0.00023 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_packages_to_customers (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_packages_to_customers cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_packages_to_services (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_packages_to_services cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_payments (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_payments cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_providers_to_daysoff (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_providers_to_daysoff cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_providers_to_events (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_providers_to_events cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_providers_to_google_calendar (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_providers_to_google_calendar cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_providers_to_locations (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_providers_to_locations cloned, operation took: 0.00024 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_providers_to_outlook_calendar (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_providers_to_outlook_calendar cloned, operation took: 0.00021 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_providers_to_periods (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_providers_to_periods cloned, operation took: 0.00021 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_providers_to_periods_services (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_providers_to_periods_services cloned, operation took: 0.00024 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_providers_to_services (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_providers_to_services cloned, operation took: 0.00050 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_providers_to_specialdays (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_providers_to_specialdays cloned, operation took: 0.00021 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_providers_to_specialdays_periods (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_providers_to_specialdays_periods cloned, operation took: 0.00025 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_providers_to_specialdays_periods_services (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_providers_to_specialdays_periods_services cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_providers_to_timeouts (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_providers_to_timeouts cloned, operation took: 0.00021 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_providers_to_weekdays (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_providers_to_weekdays cloned, operation took: 0.00059 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_providers_views (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_providers_views cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_services (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_services cloned, operation took: 0.00063 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_services_views (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_services_views cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_amelia_users (0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_amelia_users cloned, operation took: 0.00061 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_androapp_stats (0.01 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_androapp_stats cloned, operation took: 0.00284 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_api_setting (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_api_setting cloned, operation took: 0.00073 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_b2s_post_sched_settings (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_b2s_post_sched_settings cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_b2s_posts (0.07 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_b2s_posts cloned, operation took: 0.01355 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_b2s_posts_drafts (0.01 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_b2s_posts_drafts cloned, operation took: 0.00077 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_b2s_posts_favorites (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_b2s_posts_favorites cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_b2s_posts_network_details (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_b2s_posts_network_details cloned, operation took: 0.00078 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_b2s_posts_sched_details (0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_b2s_posts_sched_details cloned, operation took: 0.00195 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_b2s_user (0.01 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_b2s_user cloned, operation took: 0.00070 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_b2s_user_contact (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_b2s_user_contact cloned, operation took: 0.00024 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_b2s_user_network_settings (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_b2s_user_network_settings cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_commentmeta (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_commentmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_comments (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_comments cloned, operation took: 0.00023 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_cpabc_appointment_calendars (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_cpabc_appointment_calendars cloned, operation took: 0.00107 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_cpabc_appointment_calendars_data (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_cpabc_appointment_calendars_data cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_cpabc_appointments (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_cpabc_appointments cloned, operation took: 0.00058 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_cpabc_appointments_discount_codes (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_cpabc_appointments_discount_codes cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_e_submissions (0.28 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_e_submissions cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_e_submissions_actions_log (0.13 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_e_submissions_actions_log cloned, operation took: 0.00024 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_e_submissions_values (0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_e_submissions_values cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_einsaetze (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_einsaetze cloned, operation took: 0.00050 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_et_social_stats (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_et_social_stats cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_events (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_events cloned, operation took: 0.00141 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_gwolle_gb_entries (0.01 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_gwolle_gb_entries cloned, operation took: 0.00134 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_gwolle_gb_log (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_gwolle_gb_log cloned, operation took: 0.00090 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_hugeit_slider_slide (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_hugeit_slider_slide cloned, operation took: 0.00097 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_hugeit_slider_slider (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_hugeit_slider_slider cloned, operation took: 0.00076 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_links (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_links cloned, operation took: 0.00021 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_custom_fields (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_custom_fields cloned, operation took: 0.00021 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_forms (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_forms cloned, operation took: 0.00069 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_mapping_to_external_entities (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_mapping_to_external_entities cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_newsletter_links (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_newsletter_links cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_newsletter_option (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_newsletter_option cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_newsletter_option_fields (0.01 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_newsletter_option_fields cloned, operation took: 0.00106 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_newsletter_posts (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_newsletter_posts cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_newsletter_segment (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_newsletter_segment cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_newsletter_templates (0.19 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_newsletter_templates cloned, operation took: 0.00423 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_newsletters (0.01 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_newsletters cloned, operation took: 0.00069 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_scheduled_task_subscribers (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_scheduled_task_subscribers cloned, operation took: 0.00021 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_scheduled_tasks (0.01 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_scheduled_tasks cloned, operation took: 0.00053 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_segments (0.01 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_segments cloned, operation took: 0.00063 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_sending_queues (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_sending_queues cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_settings (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_settings cloned, operation took: 0.00076 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_statistics_clicks (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_statistics_clicks cloned, operation took: 0.00024 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_statistics_forms (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_statistics_forms cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_statistics_newsletters (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_statistics_newsletters cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_statistics_opens (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_statistics_opens cloned, operation took: 0.00021 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_statistics_unsubscribes (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_statistics_unsubscribes cloned, operation took: 0.00023 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_subscriber_custom_field (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_subscriber_custom_field cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_subscriber_ips (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_subscriber_ips cloned, operation took: 0.00021 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_subscriber_segment (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_subscriber_segment cloned, operation took: 0.00086 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_subscribers (0.01 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_mailpoet_subscribers cloned, operation took: 0.00081 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_mobiloud_categories (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_mobiloud_categories cloned, operation took: 0.00049 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_mobiloud_notification_categories (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_mobiloud_notification_categories cloned, operation took: 0.00021 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_mobiloud_notifications (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_mobiloud_notifications cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_mobiloud_pages (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_mobiloud_pages cloned, operation took: 0.00071 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_nextend2_image_storage (0.15 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_nextend2_image_storage cloned, operation took: 0.00923 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_nextend2_section_storage (0.58 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_nextend2_section_storage cloned, operation took: 0.00194 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_nextend2_smartslider3_generators (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_nextend2_smartslider3_generators cloned, operation took: 0.00061 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_nextend2_smartslider3_sliders (0.09 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_nextend2_smartslider3_sliders cloned, operation took: 0.00235 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_nextend2_smartslider3_sliders_xref (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_nextend2_smartslider3_sliders_xref cloned, operation took: 0.00066 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_nextend2_smartslider3_slides (0.12 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_nextend2_smartslider3_slides cloned, operation took: 0.01742 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_nh_locations (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_nh_locations cloned, operation took: 0.00023 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_options (4.66 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_options cloned, operation took: 0.11618 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_postmeta (4.27 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_postmeta cloned, operation took: 0.24097 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_posts (1.75 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_posts cloned, operation took: 0.20891 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_pw_gcmusers (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_pw_gcmusers cloned, operation took: 0.00115 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_revslider_css (0.09 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_revslider_css cloned, operation took: 0.00535 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_revslider_layer_animations (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_revslider_layer_animations cloned, operation took: 0.00023 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_revslider_navigations (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_revslider_navigations cloned, operation took: 0.00030 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_revslider_sliders (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_revslider_sliders cloned, operation took: 0.00021 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_revslider_slides (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_revslider_slides cloned, operation took: 0.00021 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_revslider_static_slides (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_revslider_static_slides cloned, operation took: 0.00023 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_term_relationships (0.17 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_term_relationships cloned, operation took: 0.01104 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_term_taxonomy (0.15 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_term_taxonomy cloned, operation took: 0.01199 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_termmeta (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_termmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00361 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_terms (0.08 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_terms cloned, operation took: 0.01046 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_tm_taskmeta (0.01 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_tm_taskmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_tm_tasks (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_tm_tasks cloned, operation took: 0.00024 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_usermeta (0.06 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Meilenstein: 50000/56236
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_usermeta cloned, operation took: 0.00590 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_users (0.01 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_users cloned, operation took: 0.00111 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_wdpslayer (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_wdpslayer cloned, operation took: 0.00093 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_wdpsslide (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_wdpsslide cloned, operation took: 0.00061 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_wdpsslider (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_wdpsslider cloned, operation took: 0.00116 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_wpwhpro_authentication (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Table: v98RAamJ_wpwhpro_authentication cloned, operation took: 0.00026 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:44] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_yoast_indexable (1.22 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:45] Table: v98RAamJ_yoast_indexable cloned, operation took: 0.40923 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:45] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_yoast_indexable_hierarchy (0.04 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:45] Table: v98RAamJ_yoast_indexable_hierarchy cloned, operation took: 0.00336 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:45] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_yoast_migrations (0.01 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:45] Table: v98RAamJ_yoast_migrations cloned, operation took: 0.00058 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:45] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_yoast_primary_term (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:45] Table: v98RAamJ_yoast_primary_term cloned, operation took: 0.00523 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:45] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_yoast_prominent_words (0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:45] Table: v98RAamJ_yoast_prominent_words cloned, operation took: 0.00412 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:45] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_yoast_seo_links (0.14 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:45] Table: v98RAamJ_yoast_seo_links cloned, operation took: 0.06224 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:45] Getting data of table: v98RAamJ_yoast_seo_meta (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:45] Table: v98RAamJ_yoast_seo_meta cloned, operation took: 0.00365 ms
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:45] Table data exported.
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:45] Memory usage after data export: 41.07 MB
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:45] Entire process took: 2.4912 s
[SUCCESS] [2021-12-03 16:55:45] Datenbank-Backup abgeschlossen
[STEP] [2021-12-03 16:55:45] Archiv wird erstellt
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:45] Komprimierung
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:45] Verwendung des PclZip-Moduls zum Erstellen des Backups
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:45] Legacy-Einstellung: Verwendung von Standardmodulen je nach Anwender-Server
[WARN] [2021-12-03 16:55:45] Backup l?uft als Einzelabfrage, m?glicherweise instabil…
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:45] Dediziertes PclZIP für Premium-Benutzer wird verwendet.
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:55:45] Chunks enthalten10000Dateien.
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:56:00] Meilenstein: 56236/56236
[SUCCESS] [2021-12-03 16:56:00] Komprimierte56236 Dateien
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:56:00] Archivierung der 56236 Dateien dauerte:609.02s
[STEP] [2021-12-03 16:56:00] Backup wird fertiggestellt
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:56:00] Manifest-Datei wird hinzugefügt…
[STEP] [2021-12-03 16:56:00] Dateien und Archiven werden geschlossen
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:56:11] Meilenstein: 10000/56232
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:56:20] Meilenstein: 40000/56232
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:56:35] Meilenstein: 50000/56232
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:56:45] Meilenstein: 56232/56232
[SUCCESS] [2021-12-03 16:56:45] Komprimierte56232 Dateien
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:56:45] Archivierung der 56232 Dateien dauerte:348.46s
[STEP] [2021-12-03 16:56:45] Backup wird fertiggestellt
[INFO] [2021-12-03 16:56:45] Manifest-Datei wird hinzugefügt…
[STEP] [2021-12-03 16:56:45] Dateien und Archiven werden geschlossen
[DOWNLOAD ERSTELLT] Datei heruntergeladen am (Serverzeit): 2021-12-03 16:57:32
[DOWNLOAD ERSTELLT] Zuletzt aktualisiert (Sekunden): 43Sekunden zuvor
[DOWNLOAD ERSTELLT] Zuletzt aktualisiert (Datum): 2021-12-03 16:56:49
- The topic ‘Backup failed’ is closed to new replies.