Backup failed
I have been trying to backup my website since 6 hours now. I have followed different suggestions :
But still am getting the failure message.
In order to not make this post too heavy, I’ll post my failed log in next post, by itself… and will delete the private information in it.
Thank you for any help, and have a good day.
Best regards,
Log created: 2023-11-28 12:25:07
Type: backup
[2023-11-28 12:25:08][notice]Start backing up.
[2023-11-28 12:25:08][notice]server info fcgi:Off max execution time: 900 wp version:6.4.1 php version:8.2.11 db version:10.6.15 php ini:safe_mode: memory_limit:512M memory_get_usage:105.44 MB memory_get_peak_usage:107.79 MB extensions:PDO enabled curl enabled zlib enabled is_multisite:0
[2023-11-28 12:25:08][notice]LiteSpeed Server.
[2023-11-28 12:25:08][notice].htaccess file not exists or not writable.
[2023-11-28 12:25:08][notice]Prepare to backup backup_db files.
[2023-11-28 12:25:08][notice]Start exporting database.
[2023-11-28 12:25:08][notice]Preparing to dump table wp_wpfm_backup
[2023-11-28 12:25:08][notice]Preparing to dump table wp_yoast_seo_meta
[2023-11-28 12:25:08][notice]Preparing to dump table wp_sbi_instagram_feed_locator
[2023-11-28 12:25:08][notice]Preparing to dump table wp_yoast_primary_term
[2023-11-28 12:25:08][notice]Preparing to dump table wp_yoast_migrations
[2023-11-28 12:25:08][notice]Preparing to dump table wp_layerslider
[2023-11-28 12:25:08][notice]Preparing to dump table wp_wpmm_subscribers
[2023-11-28 12:25:08][notice]Preparing to dump table wp_fusion_form_entries
[2023-11-28 12:25:08][notice]Preparing to dump table wp_fusion_form_fields
[2023-11-28 12:25:08][notice]Preparing to dump table wp_fusion_form_submissions
[2023-11-28 12:25:08][notice]Preparing to dump table wp_links
[2023-11-28 12:25:08][notice]Preparing to dump table wp_sbi_feeds
[2023-11-28 12:25:08][notice]Preparing to dump table wp_commentmeta
[2023-11-28 12:25:08][notice]Preparing to dump table wp_fusion_forms
[2023-11-28 12:25:08][notice]Preparing to dump table wp_sbi_instagram_feeds_posts
[2023-11-28 12:25:08][notice]Preparing to dump table wp_sbi_sources
[2023-11-28 12:25:08][notice]Preparing to dump table wp_term_taxonomy
[2023-11-28 12:25:08][notice]Preparing to dump table wp_termmeta
[2023-11-28 12:25:08][notice]Preparing to dump table wp_terms
[2023-11-28 12:25:08][notice]Preparing to dump table wp_users
[2023-11-28 12:25:08][notice]Preparing to dump table wp_usermeta
[2023-11-28 12:25:08][notice]Preparing to dump table wp_comments
[2023-11-28 12:25:08][notice]Preparing to dump table wp_sbi_instagram_posts
[2023-11-28 12:25:08][notice]Preparing to dump table wp_yoast_indexable_hierarchy
[2023-11-28 12:25:08][notice]Preparing to dump table wp_term_relationships
[2023-11-28 12:25:09][notice]Preparing to dump table wp_sbi_feed_caches
[2023-11-28 12:25:09][notice]Preparing to dump table wp_yoast_seo_links
[2023-11-28 12:25:09][notice]Preparing to dump table wp_yoast_indexable
[2023-11-28 12:25:09][notice]Preparing to dump table wp_options
[2023-11-28 12:25:10][notice]Preparing to dump table wp_postmeta
[2023-11-28 12:25:10][notice]Preparing to dump table wp_posts
[2023-11-28 12:25:29][notice]Exporting database finished.
[2023-11-28 12:25:29][notice]Start compressing database
[2023-11-28 12:25:29][notice]Prepare to zip file. file: www.mywebsite.com_wpvivid-6565ce138aab7_2023-11-28-12-25_backup_db.sql
[2023-11-28 12:25:37][notice]Adding zip files, filesize: 16.41 MB
[2023-11-28 12:25:41][notice]Compressing database completed
[2023-11-28 12:25:41][notice]Backing up backup_db completed.
[2023-11-28 12:25:41][notice]Prepare to backup backup_themes files.
[2023-11-28 12:25:41][notice]Compressing zip index:2272
[2023-11-28 12:25:51][notice]Compressing zip success. index:2272 file size:38.82 MB
[2023-11-28 12:25:51][notice]Backing up backup_themes completed.
[2023-11-28 12:25:51][notice]Prepare to backup backup_plugin files.
[2023-11-28 12:25:51][notice]Compressing zip index:6266
[2023-11-28 12:26:14][notice]Compressing zip success. index:6266 file size:89.74 MB
[2023-11-28 12:26:14][notice]Backing up backup_plugin completed.
[2023-11-28 12:26:15][notice]Prepare to backup backup_uploads files.
[2023-11-28 12:26:15][notice]Compressing zip index:1872
[2023-11-28 12:27:04][notice]Compressing zip success. index:1872 file size:100.30 MB
[2023-11-28 12:27:04][notice]Compressing zip index:3642
[2023-11-28 12:27:08][error]Task timed out.
[2023-11-28 12:27:19][notice]Start backing up.
[2023-11-28 12:27:19][notice]server info fcgi:Off max execution time: 900 wp version:6.4.1 php version:8.2.11 db version:10.6.15 php ini:safe_mode: memory_limit:512M memory_get_usage:89.85 MB memory_get_peak_usage:90.55 MB extensions:PDO enabled curl enabled zlib enabled is_multisite:0
[2023-11-28 12:27:19][notice]LiteSpeed Server.
[2023-11-28 12:27:19][notice].htaccess file not exists or not writable.
[2023-11-28 12:27:19][notice]Prepare to backup backup_uploads files.
[2023-11-28 12:27:20][notice]Compressing zip index:3642
[2023-11-28 12:27:52][notice]Compressing zip success. index:3642 file size:100.31 MB
[2023-11-28 12:27:52][notice]Compressing zip index:5520
[2023-11-28 12:28:17][notice]Compressing zip success. index:5520 file size:100.42 MB
[2023-11-28 12:28:17][notice]Compressing zip index:7353
[2023-11-28 12:28:42][notice]Compressing zip success. index:7353 file size:100.35 MB
[2023-11-28 12:28:42][notice]Compressing zip index:8548
[2023-11-28 12:29:07][notice]Compressing zip success. index:8548 file size:100.23 MB
[2023-11-28 12:29:07][notice]Compressing zip index:9754
[2023-11-28 12:29:19][error]Task timed out.
[2023-11-28 12:29:31][notice]Start backing up.
[2023-11-28 12:29:31][notice]server info fcgi:Off max execution time: 900 wp version:6.4.1 php version:8.2.11 db version:10.6.15 php ini:safe_mode: memory_limit:512M memory_get_usage:89.85 MB memory_get_peak_usage:90.55 MB extensions:PDO enabled curl enabled zlib enabled is_multisite:0
[2023-11-28 12:29:31][notice]LiteSpeed Server.
[2023-11-28 12:29:31][notice].htaccess file not exists or not writable.
[2023-11-28 12:29:31][notice]Prepare to backup backup_uploads files.
[2023-11-28 12:29:31][notice]Compressing zip index:9754
[2023-11-28 12:29:55][notice]Compressing zip success. index:9754 file size:100.21 MB
[2023-11-28 12:29:55][notice]Compressing zip index:11370
[2023-11-28 12:30:20][notice]Compressing zip success. index:11370 file size:100.26 MB
[2023-11-28 12:30:20][notice]Compressing zip index:12372
[2023-11-28 12:30:45][notice]Compressing zip success. index:12372 file size:100.22 MB
[2023-11-28 12:30:45][notice]Compressing zip index:13523
[2023-11-28 12:31:11][notice]Compressing zip success. index:13523 file size:101.65 MB
[2023-11-28 12:31:11][notice]Compressing zip index:15238
[2023-11-28 12:31:31][error]Task timed out.
[2023-11-28 12:31:42][notice]Start backing up.
[2023-11-28 12:31:42][notice]server info fcgi:Off max execution time: 900 wp version:6.4.1 php version:8.2.11 db version:10.6.15 php ini:safe_mode: memory_limit:512M memory_get_usage:89.86 MB memory_get_peak_usage:90.56 MB extensions:PDO enabled curl enabled zlib enabled is_multisite:0
[2023-11-28 12:31:42][notice]LiteSpeed Server.
[2023-11-28 12:31:42][notice].htaccess file not exists or not writable.
[2023-11-28 12:31:42][notice]Prepare to backup backup_uploads files.
[2023-11-28 12:31:42][notice]Compressing zip index:15238
[2023-11-28 12:32:06][notice]Compressing zip success. index:15238 file size:100.32 MB
[2023-11-28 12:32:06][notice]Compressing zip index:16777
[2023-11-28 12:32:38][notice]Compressing zip success. index:16777 file size:100.26 MB
[2023-11-28 12:32:38][notice]Compressing zip index:17898
[2023-11-28 12:33:29][notice]Compressing zip success. index:17898 file size:100.77 MB
[2023-11-28 12:33:29][notice]Compressing zip index:18239
[2023-11-28 12:33:42][error]Task timed out.
[2023-11-28 12:33:53][notice]Start backing up.
[2023-11-28 12:33:53][notice]server info fcgi:Off max execution time: 900 wp version:6.4.1 php version:8.2.11 db version:10.6.15 php ini:safe_mode: memory_limit:512M memory_get_usage:89.86 MB memory_get_peak_usage:90.56 MB extensions:PDO enabled curl enabled zlib enabled is_multisite:0
[2023-11-28 12:33:53][notice]LiteSpeed Server.
[2023-11-28 12:33:53][notice].htaccess file not exists or not writable.
[2023-11-28 12:33:53][notice]Prepare to backup backup_uploads files.
[2023-11-28 12:33:54][notice]Compressing zip index:18239
[2023-11-28 12:34:05][notice]Compressing zip success. index:18239 file size:35.49 MB
[2023-11-28 12:34:05][notice]Backing up backup_uploads completed.
[2023-11-28 12:34:05][notice]Prepare to backup backup_content files.
[2023-11-28 12:34:05][notice]Compressing zip index:7
[2023-11-28 12:35:53][error]Task timed out.
[2023-11-28 12:36:05][notice]Start backing up.
[2023-11-28 12:36:05][notice]server info fcgi:Off max execution time: 900 wp version:6.4.1 php version:8.2.11 db version:10.6.15 php ini:safe_mode: memory_limit:512M memory_get_usage:89.86 MB memory_get_peak_usage:90.56 MB extensions:PDO enabled curl enabled zlib enabled is_multisite:0
[2023-11-28 12:36:05][notice]LiteSpeed Server.
[2023-11-28 12:36:05][notice].htaccess file not exists or not writable.
[2023-11-28 12:36:05][notice]Prepare to backup backup_content files.
[2023-11-28 12:36:05][notice]Compressing zip index:7
[2023-11-28 12:38:05][error]Task timed out.
[2023-11-28 12:38:16][notice]Start backing up.
[2023-11-28 12:38:16][notice]server info fcgi:Off max execution time: 900 wp version:6.4.1 php version:8.2.11 db version:10.6.15 php ini:safe_mode: memory_limit:512M memory_get_usage:89.86 MB memory_get_peak_usage:90.56 MB extensions:PDO enabled curl enabled zlib enabled is_multisite:0
[2023-11-28 12:38:16][notice]LiteSpeed Server.
[2023-11-28 12:38:16][notice].htaccess file not exists or not writable.
[2023-11-28 12:38:16][notice]Prepare to backup backup_content files.
[2023-11-28 12:38:16][notice]Compressing zip index:7
[2023-11-28 12:40:16][error]Task timed out.
[2023-11-28 12:40:28][notice]Start backing up.
[2023-11-28 12:40:28][notice]server info fcgi:Off max execution time: 900 wp version:6.4.1 php version:8.2.11 db version:10.6.15 php ini:safe_mode: memory_limit:512M memory_get_usage:89.86 MB memory_get_peak_usage:90.56 MB extensions:PDO enabled curl enabled zlib enabled is_multisite:0
[2023-11-28 12:40:28][notice]LiteSpeed Server.
[2023-11-28 12:40:28][notice].htaccess file not exists or not writable.
[2023-11-28 12:40:28][notice]Prepare to backup backup_content files.
[2023-11-28 12:40:28][notice]Compressing zip index:7
[2023-11-28 12:42:28][error]Task timed out.
[2023-11-28 12:42:41][notice]Start backing up.
[2023-11-28 12:42:41][notice]server info fcgi:Off max execution time: 900 wp version:6.4.1 php version:8.2.11 db version:10.6.15 php ini:safe_mode: memory_limit:512M memory_get_usage:89.86 MB memory_get_peak_usage:90.56 MB extensions:PDO enabled curl enabled zlib enabled is_multisite:0
[2023-11-28 12:42:41][notice]LiteSpeed Server.
[2023-11-28 12:42:41][notice].htaccess file not exists or not writable.
[2023-11-28 12:42:41][notice]Prepare to backup backup_content files.
[2023-11-28 12:42:41][notice]Compressing zip index:7
[2023-11-28 12:44:42][error]Task timed out.
[2023-11-28 12:44:53][notice]Start backing up.
[2023-11-28 12:44:53][notice]server info fcgi:Off max execution time: 900 wp version:6.4.1 php version:8.2.11 db version:10.6.15 php ini:safe_mode: memory_limit:512M memory_get_usage:89.86 MB memory_get_peak_usage:90.56 MB extensions:PDO enabled curl enabled zlib enabled is_multisite:0
[2023-11-28 12:44:53][notice]LiteSpeed Server.
[2023-11-28 12:44:53][notice].htaccess file not exists or not writable.
[2023-11-28 12:44:53][notice]Prepare to backup backup_content files.
[2023-11-28 12:44:53][notice]Compressing zip index:7
[2023-11-28 12:46:53][error]Task timed out.
[2023-11-28 12:47:03][notice]Start backing up.
[2023-11-28 12:47:03][notice]server info fcgi:Off max execution time: 900 wp version:6.4.1 php version:8.2.11 db version:10.6.15 php ini:safe_mode: memory_limit:512M memory_get_usage:89.94 MB memory_get_peak_usage:90.64 MB extensions:PDO enabled curl enabled zlib enabled is_multisite:0
[2023-11-28 12:47:03][notice]LiteSpeed Server.
[2023-11-28 12:47:03][notice].htaccess file not exists or not writable.
[2023-11-28 12:47:03][notice]Prepare to backup backup_content files.
[2023-11-28 12:47:03][notice]Compressing zip index:7
[2023-11-28 12:49:03][error]Task timed out.
[2023-11-28 12:49:17][notice]Start backing up.
[2023-11-28 12:49:17][notice]server info fcgi:Off max execution time: 900 wp version:6.4.1 php version:8.2.11 db version:10.6.15 php ini:safe_mode: memory_limit:512M memory_get_usage:89.86 MB memory_get_peak_usage:90.56 MB extensions:PDO enabled curl enabled zlib enabled is_multisite:0
[2023-11-28 12:49:17][notice]LiteSpeed Server.
[2023-11-28 12:49:17][notice].htaccess file not exists or not writable.
[2023-11-28 12:49:17][notice]Prepare to backup backup_content files.
[2023-11-28 12:49:17][notice]Compressing zip index:7
[2023-11-28 12:51:17][error]Task timed out.
[2023-11-28 12:51:30][notice]Start backing up.
[2023-11-28 12:51:30][notice]server info fcgi:Off max execution time: 900 wp version:6.4.1 php version:8.2.11 db version:10.6.15 php ini:safe_mode: memory_limit:512M memory_get_usage:89.86 MB memory_get_peak_usage:90.56 MB extensions:PDO enabled curl enabled zlib enabled is_multisite:0
[2023-11-28 12:51:30][notice]LiteSpeed Server.
[2023-11-28 12:51:30][notice].htaccess file not exists or not writable.
[2023-11-28 12:51:30][notice]Prepare to backup backup_content files.
[2023-11-28 12:51:30][notice]Compressing zip index:7
[2023-11-28 12:53:30][error]Task timed out.
[2023-11-28 12:53:40][notice]Start backing up.
[2023-11-28 12:53:40][notice]server info fcgi:Off max execution time: 900 wp version:6.4.1 php version:8.2.11 db version:10.6.15 php ini:safe_mode: memory_limit:512M memory_get_usage:89.94 MB memory_get_peak_usage:90.64 MB extensions:PDO enabled curl enabled zlib enabled is_multisite:0
[2023-11-28 12:53:40][notice]LiteSpeed Server.
[2023-11-28 12:53:40][notice].htaccess file not exists or not writable.
[2023-11-28 12:53:40][notice]Prepare to backup backup_content files.
[2023-11-28 12:53:40][notice]Compressing zip index:7
[2023-11-28 12:55:41][error]Backup the file ends with an error Too many resumption attempts.
[2023-11-28 12:55:41][error]Too many resumption attempts.
Current Version: 0.9.93|ChangeLog
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Read Troubleshooting page for faster solutions.
Adjust Advanced Settings for higher task success rate.
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Migrate WordPressHi @darlio
We are going to take a look at the issue and get back to you as soon as we can.
All the best,
Thank you very much… As for the moment I’ll review your plugin with 5* !
I really like it, and my friends do use it regularly… 2 of them with licence (me for free at the moment) !
Thank you so much for having such a great product with REAL features as free included !!! You rock !!!
Best regards,
Hi @darlio
Thank you for your kind words and review!
After checking the backup log, we have some suggestions:
- You have a quite large wp-content folder. So if you have not done this, it is recommended that you set the value of ‘Exclude files larger than’ in the plugin’s advanced settings to 200MB. Files larger than this size are usually backup files of other plugins and are not necessary to be backed up. Or, check what kind of large files are there in this folder and delete them if they are not used.
- Increase the PHP time limit of the server to 300s or higher if it is possible.
All the best,
Since we haven’t heard from you for a while, I am going to mark the thread as resolved.
Please feel free to start a new one if you need any further assistance.
All the best,
- The topic ‘Backup failed’ is closed to new replies.