• Tried to perform a backup (Online / Local / Email) and failed the three times.

    Here are the logs I have when Backup Fails:

    < Local > + < Email >
    (1) The activity failed: A filesystem operation failed.
    (2) A filesystem operation failed while processing ‘Filesystem/htdocs/wp-content/uploads/download-manager-files/They’re Real push-up liner.doc’ (63037440) for backup.
    If the following error message is not clear as to the problem and the issue persists, please contact support providing the complete event log for the activity. Diagnostic information follows:

    Failed at: 1042(/homepages/5/d478148160/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/wponlinebackup/include/files.php)
    Attempt to write to file /homepages/5/d478148160/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/wponlinebackup/tmp/backup.zip.enc.69a59c65f4f5d1617dd4e1cadf88f6a6f35b57cc.php only partially succeeded. Only 7946660 of 8388608 bytes were written. (2139536987 bytes already written.) PHP last error: No error message was logged.

    (3) File /homepages/5/d478148160/htdocs/logs/traffic.html/.md5sums was skipped: Permission denied

    < Online >
    The activity failed: The backup file is too large to send to the online vault. (101.36 MiB).
    >> How can I have more space to get the Online BackUp works?

    Thanks a lot for your help.

    Online Backup for WordPress Plugin Version 3.0.2
    WordPress Version: 3.5.2 (standalone)
    PHP Version: 5.4.32
    Server Software: Apache
    MySQL Server Version: 5.1.73-log
    MySQL Client Version: 1.0; MySQL Packet Size: 10?MiB
    Memory: 256M; Post: 64M; Upload: 64M; Timeout: 30
    Memory Changable: Yes; Admin Cache Size: 1.6?MiB
    Status: 1 row, 34.65?KiB packet size, 1.47?MiB cache freed, 15.98?MiB memory used
    Capabilities: hashcopy gzdeflate php5hash DES AES128 AES192 AES256
    End of Information


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