Backup error
I have just installed WPVivid on a Local by Flywheel installation and after trying to backup either on local or on remote location I get this error:
Error: An exception has occurred. class:PDOException;msg:SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. ;code:2002;line:42;in_file:D:\My e-books\Posao\LOCAL WEBSITES\Alpenhouse Single\alpenhouse-single\app\public\wp-content\plugins\wpvivid-backuprestore\includes\class-wpvivid-db-method.php;
I have restarted the server, clicked on “Trust” certificate in Local by Flywheel, deactivated and reinstalled the plugin.
I am not a developer so I really don`t know what else to do.Can you help?
active_plugins alpenhouse-engine/alpenhouse-engine.php, contact-form-7/wp-contact-form-7.php, custom-post-type-plus/custom-post-type-plus.php, elementor/elementor.php, loco-translate/loco.php, motopress-hotel-booking/motopress-hotel-booking.php, mphb-elementor/mphb-elementor.php, wpvivid-backuprestore/wpvivid-backuprestore.php
multisite disable
web_server nginx/1.16.0
php_version 7.3.6
mysql_version 8.0.16
wp_debug false
language en-US
upload_max_filesize 300M
max_execution_time 180
max_input_vars 4000
timezone UTC
OS Windows
memory_current 7.36MB
memory_peak 8.24MB
memory_limit 256M
post_max_size 1000M
allow_url_fopen 1
safe_mode false
pcre.backtrack_limit 1000000
exif support
xml support
suhosin not support
IPTC support
extensions Core, bcmath, calendar, ctype, date, filter, hash, iconv, json, SPL, pcre, readline, Reflection, session, standard, mysqlnd, tokenizer, zip, zlib, libxml, dom, PDO, bz2, SimpleXML, xml, wddx, xmlreader, xmlwriter, cgi-fcgi, curl, gettext, openssl, mbstring, gd, ftp, imap, Phar, exif, sodium, tidy, xsl, xmlrpc, soap, mysqli, pdo_mysql, Zend OPcache, xdebug
pdo_mysql support
PclZip support
wp_prefix wp_
fast_cgi On
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