Backup did not Complete
Here is the copy of my backup any assistance is appreciated.
[STEP] [2022-08-05 21:45:15] Looking for PHP CLI executable file. [WARN] [2022-08-05 21:45:15] Could not find proper PHP CLI executable, this process may be unstable. [WARN] [2022-08-05 21:45:15] PHP CLI file cannot be executed due to unknown reason. [STEP] [2022-08-05 21:45:15] Initializing backup... [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:45:15] Backup & Migration version: 1.2.1 [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:45:15] Site which will be backed up: ***site_url*** [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:45:15] PHP Version: 5.6.40 [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:45:15] WP Version: 6.0.1 [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:45:15] MySQL Version: 5.7.39 [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:45:15] MySQL Max Length: 1073741824 [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:45:15] Web server: LiteSpeed [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:45:15] Max execution time (in seconds): 259200 [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:45:15] Max rows per query (this site): 300 [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:45:15] Checking if backup dir is writable... [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:45:15] Initializing custom error handler [SUCCESS] [2022-08-05 21:45:15] Yup it is writable... [STEP] [2022-08-05 21:45:15] Scanning files... [WARN] [2022-08-05 21:46:16] Removing file from backup (due to exclude rules): ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/wphb-logs/minify-debug.log [STEP] [2022-08-05 21:46:16] Checking free space, reserving... [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:16] Requires at least 722754738 bytes. [689.27 MB] [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:16] Disk free space function is not disabled - using it... [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:16] Checking this path/partition: ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/***backup_path***/backups [SUCCESS] [2022-08-05 21:46:16] There is 44,950.07 MB free. [43.9 GB] [SUCCESS] [2022-08-05 21:46:16] Great! We have enough space. [SUCCESS] [2022-08-05 21:46:16] Confirmed, there is more than enough space, checked: 722754738 bytes [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:16] Scanning done - found 18680 files... [SUCCESS] [2022-08-05 21:46:16] Backup initialized... [STEP] [2022-08-05 21:46:16] Initializing archiving system... [SUCCESS] [2022-08-05 21:46:16] Archive system initialized... [STEP] [2022-08-05 21:46:16] Preparing map of files... [SUCCESS] [2022-08-05 21:46:16] Files prepared. [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:16] Starting compression process... [STEP] [2022-08-05 21:46:16] Smart memory calculation... [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:16] There is 800 MBs of memory to use [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:16] WordPress memory limit: 800 MBs [SUCCESS] [2022-08-05 21:46:16] Setting the safe limit to 115 MB [STEP] [2022-08-05 21:46:16] Making database backup (using V2 engine, requires at least v1.1.0 to restore) [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:16] Iterating database... [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:16] Memory usage after initialization: 28.09 MB [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:17] Scan found 40 tables (23503 rows), estimated total size: 27.95 MB. [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:17] Memory usage after getting table names: 28.12 MB [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:17] Getting table recipes... [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:17] Table recipes have been exported. [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:17] Memory usage after loading recipes: 28.15 MB [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:17] Saving recipes... [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:17] Recipes saved. [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:17] Memory usage after recipe off-load: 28.13 MB [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:17] Exporting table data... [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:17] Getting data of table: wp_blc_filters (0.00 MB) [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:17] Table: wp_blc_filters cloned, operation took: 0.00163 ms [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:17] Getting data of table: wp_blc_instances (0.01 MB) [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:17] Table: wp_blc_instances cloned, operation took: 0.11147 ms [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:17] Getting data of table: wp_blc_links (0.07 MB) [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:17] Table: wp_blc_links cloned, operation took: 0.11558 ms [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:17] Getting data of table: wp_blc_synch (0.00 MB) [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:17] Table: wp_blc_synch cloned, operation took: 0.01212 ms [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:17] Getting data of table: wp_commentmeta (0.00 MB) [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:17] Table: wp_commentmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00082 ms [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:17] Getting data of table: wp_comments (0.00 MB) [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:17] Table: wp_comments cloned, operation took: 0.00113 ms [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:17] Getting data of table: wp_duplicator_packages (0.00 MB) [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:17] Table: wp_duplicator_packages cloned, operation took: 0.00087 ms [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:17] Getting data of table: wp_frm_fields (0.01 MB) [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:17] Table: wp_frm_fields cloned, operation took: 0.06521 ms [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:17] Getting data of table: wp_frm_forms (0.01 MB) [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:17] Table: wp_frm_forms cloned, operation took: 0.00514 ms [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:17] Getting data of table: wp_frm_item_metas (0.00 MB) [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:17] Table: wp_frm_item_metas cloned, operation took: 0.00211 ms [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:17] Getting data of table: wp_frm_items (0.00 MB) [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:17] Table: wp_frm_items cloned, operation took: 0.00158 ms [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:17] Getting data of table: wp_links (0.00 MB) [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:17] Table: wp_links cloned, operation took: 0.00293 ms [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:17] Getting data of table: wp_nf_objectmeta (0.01 MB) [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:17] Table: wp_nf_objectmeta cloned, operation took: 0.03231 ms [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:17] Getting data of table: wp_nf_objects (0.00 MB) [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:17] Table: wp_nf_objects cloned, operation took: 0.00411 ms [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:17] Getting data of table: wp_nf_relationships (0.00 MB) [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:17] Table: wp_nf_relationships cloned, operation took: 0.00341 ms [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:17] Getting data of table: wp_ninja_forms_fav_fields (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:17] Table: wp_ninja_forms_fav_fields cloned, operation took: 0.02806 ms [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:17] Getting data of table: wp_ninja_forms_fields (0.00 MB) [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:17] Table: wp_ninja_forms_fields cloned, operation took: 0.00449 ms [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:17] Getting data of table: wp_options (17.33 MB) [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:21] Table: wp_options cloned, operation took: 3.79706 ms [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:21] Getting data of table: wp_postmeta (3.33 MB) [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:25] Table: wp_postmeta cloned, operation took: 4.19940 ms [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:25] Getting data of table: wp_posts (6.06 MB) [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:29] Table: wp_posts cloned, operation took: 3.71216 ms [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:29] Getting data of table: wp_qss (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:29] Table: wp_qss cloned, operation took: 0.08799 ms [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:29] Getting data of table: wp_redirection_404 (0.00 MB) [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:29] Table: wp_redirection_404 cloned, operation took: 0.00161 ms [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:29] Getting data of table: wp_redirection_groups (0.00 MB) [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:29] Table: wp_redirection_groups cloned, operation took: 0.01347 ms [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:29] Getting data of table: wp_redirection_items (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:29] Table: wp_redirection_items cloned, operation took: 0.09835 ms [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:29] Getting data of table: wp_redirection_logs (0.01 MB) [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:29] Table: wp_redirection_logs cloned, operation took: 0.00618 ms [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:29] Getting data of table: wp_term_relationships (0.03 MB) [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:29] Table: wp_term_relationships cloned, operation took: 0.19578 ms [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:29] Getting data of table: wp_term_taxonomy (0.34 MB) [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:30] Table: wp_term_taxonomy cloned, operation took: 0.41569 ms [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:30] Getting data of table: wp_termmeta (0.03 MB) [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:30] Table: wp_termmeta cloned, operation took: 0.19450 ms [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:30] Getting data of table: wp_terms (0.07 MB) [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:30] Table: wp_terms cloned, operation took: 0.28897 ms [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:30] Getting data of table: wp_usermeta (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:30] Table: wp_usermeta cloned, operation took: 0.08502 ms [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:30] Getting data of table: wp_users (0.01 MB) [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:30] Table: wp_users cloned, operation took: 0.00612 ms [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:30] Getting data of table: wp_wpio_images (0.00 MB) [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:30] Table: wp_wpio_images cloned, operation took: 0.00190 ms [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:30] Getting data of table: wp_wpio_listimages (0.00 MB) [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:30] Table: wp_wpio_listimages cloned, operation took: 0.00135 ms [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:30] Getting data of table: wp_wpio_queue (0.00 MB) [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:30] Table: wp_wpio_queue cloned, operation took: 0.00206 ms [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:30] Getting data of table: wp_yoast_indexable (0.04 MB) [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:31] Table: wp_yoast_indexable cloned, operation took: 0.39499 ms [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:31] Getting data of table: wp_yoast_indexable_hierarchy (0.00 MB) [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:31] Table: wp_yoast_indexable_hierarchy cloned, operation took: 0.00509 ms [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:31] Getting data of table: wp_yoast_migrations (0.01 MB) [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:31] Table: wp_yoast_migrations cloned, operation took: 0.00912 ms [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:31] Getting data of table: wp_yoast_primary_term (0.00 MB) [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:31] Table: wp_yoast_primary_term cloned, operation took: 0.00125 ms [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:31] Getting data of table: wp_yoast_seo_links (0.01 MB) [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:31] Table: wp_yoast_seo_links cloned, operation took: 0.09484 ms [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:31] Getting data of table: wp_yoast_seo_meta (0.46 MB) [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:33] Table: wp_yoast_seo_meta cloned, operation took: 2.84019 ms [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:33] Table data exported. [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:33] Memory usage after data export: 28.13 MB [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:33] Entire process took: 17.0745 s [SUCCESS] [2022-08-05 21:46:33] Database backup finished [STEP] [2022-08-05 21:46:33] Making archive [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:33] Compressing... [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:33] Using PclZip module to create the backup [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:33] Legacy setting: Using default modules depending on user server [WARN] [2022-08-05 21:46:33] Backup will run as single-request, may be unstable... [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:46:34] Chunks contain 2000 files. [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:47:03] Milestone: 2000/18680 [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:47:29] Milestone: 4000/18680 [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:48:39] Milestone: 6000/18680 [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:49:48] Milestone: 8000/18680 [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:51:03] Milestone: 10000/18680 [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:52:28] Milestone: 12000/18680 [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:54:14] Milestone: 14000/18680 [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:56:20] Milestone: 16000/18680 [INFO] [2022-08-05 21:59:21] Milestone: 18000/18680 [DOWNLOAD GENERATED] File downloaded on (server time): 2022-08-05 22:05:41 [DOWNLOAD GENERATED] Last update (seconds): 380 seconds ago [DOWNLOAD GENERATED] Last update (date): 2022-08-05 21:59:21
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