to prevent duplicating backslashes in allowed domains
in \byrev-wp-picshield-import-admin.php around line 68 add this:
$byrev_gtfo_hotlink_post_data = array_map( 'stripslashes', $byrev_gtfo_hotlink_post_data );
after this:
$byrev_gtfo_hotlink_post_data = array_map( 'esc_attr', $byrev_gtfo_hotlink_post_data );
( this works for me if i want to use a regexp for the allowed domain, such as: ([a-z-]+\.)?mydomain\.com, this may be not the case for everyone who maybe will prefer to specify a domain simply by putting “domain.tld”. In this case you may want to use preg_quote to let the PHP escape the . automatically? )
to escape the . in the predefined allowable domains
I personally escaped them manually in the global arrays directly, same file of before, on top:
$__ONLINE_TRANSLATORS = array('translate\.google\.com','translate\.googleusercontent\.com','www\.microsofttranslator\.com');
$__SOCIAL_SHARE_USER_AGENT = array ('facebookexternalhit','facebookplatform','pinterest','feedfetcher','ggpht');
$__SOCIAL_SHARE_REFERER = array ('pinterest\.com','tumblr\.com','facebook\.com','plus\.google','twitter\.com');
$__GOGLE_TEST_REFERER = array ('googleapis\.com','googleusercontent\.com','ytimg\.com','gstatic\.com');
Thought of using preg_quote() but did not. Same as before, it must be decided if we want use those string as regexp or not from start. This is my solution but it may be not a solution for everyone.
error_log warnings of failing to passthorugh on non existing files
were caused by many request to those files:
From a quick google search it seems they are files requested by android devices for unknown reasons by me. To fix the warnings I put a simply if check such as this:
if( $wm = fopen($watermarked, 'rb') ):
// dont know what to do here, 404?
in place of this:
fpassthru(fopen($watermarked, 'rb'));
in /raw_code/byrev-wp-picshield.php (need to do UPDATE OPTIONS of course after that)
for the ‘+’ in the filenames
the fix in my previous reply seems to work so far, in \byrev-wp-picshield-import-admin.php around line 242, by adding the B flag the line becomes:
$htaccess['rewrite_rule'][] = 'RewriteRule (.*) byrev-wp-picshield.php?key='.$data_basic['gtfo_key'].'&src=$1 [B,L]';