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  • Anonymous User 4048828



    BGM does have support for internationalisation, by means of placing a .MO file in its /resources/l10n/ directory (the FAQ provides more details).

    As for the translated image descriptions, this will be looked into.


    I too am trying to use BGM with WPML plugin, and are having difficulties displaying appropriate category images in both languages.

    Scenario: I have a website in 2 languages. I have created one default image set that shows up through out the whole website in both languages with no problem.

    However, when I try to override a specific category with different images set, it only functions in the main language, and not the 2nd language.

    Any solution/workaround for this issue?

    Thank you very much in advance.

    Anonymous User 4048828



    No, sorry. It is known that WPML is not fully compatible with Background Manager and there are currently no solutions for it. I might consider and try to find a work around for it, but that is not considered a priority at the moment.


    Thank you for your reply.

    Any chance I can motivate you buy contributing some money? ??

    I can’t seem to find a background solution which works with WPML, and your background plugin seems very nice. I’d be willing to contribute some money, if you think you can find a solution in a reasonable time frame.

    Please let me know. Thanks

    Also, just wanted to direct you to this thread where WPML customer support told me they would be glad to assist with compatibility issue in any way possible.

    They asked for you contact details so they can work it out with you.

    Thank you very much for considering this request.

    Anonymous User 4048828


    I will look into this during the weekend. In meantime, I’ve contacted the WPML developers regarding their Go-Global programme. Hopefully this can be fully resolved. Thanks!

    Thank you very much! Please keep me updated.


    Don’t mean to annoying, but was wondering if there is an update on the compatibility issue, as you mentioned you will look into it the previous weekend?

    If not, do you have any ballpark idea of when do you think we can expect compatibility?

    My offer for the contribution still stands.

    Thank you in advance.

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