• I’m trying to figure out how to change the background image on my woocommerce shop page using Background Manager. I have been able to successfully change the background images for the different pages within the shop such as checkout, myaccount etc but not the actually shop page. I want to make this background image different from the background that is displayed everywhere else throughout my site. Any thoughts anyone? Your help is greatly appreciated!

    here is the url of the page i’m having issues with https://colemizestudios.com/shop/

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  • Thread Starter ColeMizeStudios


    Thanks Marj! I corrected the css as you suggested and took term out but still no luck. I’m still trying to find this mysterious code that you pointed out

    body.myatu_bgm_body {
      background-color: #010101 !important;
      background-image: none !important;

    I’ve looked in a lot of my php files and looked through my style.css file and couldn’t find it. Is there any way to do a search for that code? I think I do remember being advised somewhere to add a code in that would override my css to fix my background issue with woocommerce but I can’t find it. I’ve also went through my custom css in my wordpress dashboard and looked through the history and didn’t see it there either. I’m stumped. ?? any ideas?

    When I search for that body class, this plugin comes up

    Is that installed at your site?

    Thread Starter ColeMizeStudios


    yes I have background manager installed on my wordpress. Should I uninstall it? I tried deactivating it and that’s when I got the black background but my image still wasn’t showing up on my shop page. Does it have to be uninstalled opposed to being deactivated?

    I’d do that in your case.

    Thread Starter ColeMizeStudios


    ok I just did it but still no luck.

    I can think of nothing else without looking at your site. I found a contact email for you at your website so I sent you an email just now.

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