Background Manager how to change background image on WooCommerce shop page
I’m trying to figure out how to change the background image on my woocommerce shop page using Background Manager. I have been able to successfully change the background images for the different pages within the shop such as checkout, myaccount etc but not the actually shop page. I want to make this background image different from the background that is displayed everywhere else throughout my site. Any thoughts anyone? Your help is greatly appreciated!
here is the url of the page i’m having issues with
Can anyone help me with this? I would greatly appreciate it.
I’m not sure what theme you’re using but I was seeking a solution for a similar problem on a client project. The client had requisitioned illustrations from an artist and wanted parts of that image to appear on top-level product category pages. I looked at several recommended plugins and none seemed to accomplish the mission so here is what I did, after remembering that I was using WordPress. ??
I added this code to my functions.php for the custom theme:
// add category nicenames and page slugs in body and post class // ref link: function vm_body_class($classes) { global $post; foreach((get_the_category($post->ID)) as $category) $classes[] = $category->category_nicename; if ( isset( $post ) ) { $classes[] = $post->post_type . '-' . $post->post_name; } return $classes; } add_filter('post_class', 'vm_body_class'); add_filter('body_class', 'vm_body_class');
This gave me a CSS body class to work with in my stylesheet. Here is the code from the CSS file for the desktop view. I had to tweak the positions of these images for mobile views.
/* Background images for body classes */ body.term-children-teens-gifts { background: url(woocommerce/images/children.png) no-repeat scroll 65% 210px; } body.term-everyone-gifts { background: url(woocommerce/images/everyone.png) no-repeat scroll 65% 230px; } body.term-men-boys-gifts { background: url(woocommerce/images/men.png) no-repeat scroll 65% 230px; } body.term-pet-gifts { background: url(woocommerce/images/pets.png) no-repeat scroll 64% 280px; } body.term-women-girls-gifts { background: url(woocommerce/images/women.png) no-repeat scroll 65% 230px; }
The woocommerce folder is a subfolder of my custom child theme.
Hope this helps you!
P.S. The body classes come in very handy for isolating elements of a design in WordPress. ??
Thanks so much Mark for taking the time to get back with me. I tried the above code and still wasn’t able to get it to work for me. I am using the Genesis wordpress theme and using the Woocommerce wordpress plugin. What i’m trying to accomplish is change the background image that is shown when you click shop. I have been able to change the background for all the other elements in the shop except for the actually shop page. I’m note sure if this was what you was doing or if you was just trying to change the background for the categories. Please let me know, I’m not a coding genus like you guys lol just trying to get my feet wet. Here is a link to the pages background i’m trying to change
Thanks for all your help!!My theme is based on the Genesis Framework and (maybe obviously) I am using the WooCommerce plugin too.
The code will work if you put it in your theme’s functions.php file and it will change the background image based on the body class. Your body classes will be different than mine.
Maybe you need a developer’s help with this?
P.S. My name is Marj, not Mark.
lol I apologize for misspelling your name Marj. I knew that but The J and K are neighbors and sometimes they get mixed up ?? sorry about that. I copied the first code into my themes functions.php file and copied the second group of code into my themes style.css file only using one code since I was only needing once picture as my background and of course I changed the file name to reflect my file name. did I do something wrong? Here is the the code I used in my style.css
/* Background images for body classes */
body.term-children-teens-gifts { background: url(woocommerce/images/shopcms01jpg.jpg)no-repeat scroll 65% 210px; }
/* Background images for body classes */ body.term-children-teens-gifts { background: url(woocommerce/images/shopcms01jpg.jpg) no-repeat scroll 65% 210px; }
Is that the body class for your WooCommerce category page? If that body class does not exist on your site, it will not work.
You need to use Developer Tools in your browser to determine the right body class for your stylesheet. I use Firebug in Firefox for this.
I’ve prepared a couple of screenshots from my local installation to show you what to look for:
EXAMPLE: shop page without body class background image shop page with body class background image:* Background images for body classes */ body.term-children-teens-gifts { background: url(woocommerce/images/shopcms01jpg.jpg) no-repeat scroll 65% 210px; }
In this code above, you must manually create the folders for woocommerce and images under it in your theme folder. The images must be in that folder.
The 65% tells WordPress how much space from the left margin of the page you want the image to show. The 210px tells WordPress how far from the top of the page you want the image to show.
Thanks so much Marj for taking the time to put those screenshots together for me! They were very helpful but i’m still not having any luck. I see what you pointed out about the body class which I had wrong and failed to edit when I copied your code. Here is the code I added into my genesis them style.css
/* Background images for body classes */ body.term archive { background: url(woocommerce/images/shopcms01jpg.jpg) no-repeat scroll 65% 210px; } body.term post-type-archive { background: url(woocommerce/images/shopcms01jpg.jpg) no-repeat scroll 65% 210px; } body.term post-type-archive-product { background: url(woocommerce/images/shopcms01jpg.jpg) no-repeat scroll 65% 210px; }
Here are also screen captures I took. Maybe you will see something I’m doing wrong that I am missing. I really appreciate your time for helping someone who couldn’t even spell your name right!
Firebug body screen shot is a screen capture so you can see my file structure in my ftp again…
I see this in your CSS:
body.myatu_bgm_body { background-color: #010101 !important; background-image: none !important; }
Where is that coming from? To me it appears to be inline styles and those will always trump your stylesheet for the site.
The color would override the image, and also the statement to have no background imabe. Especially with the !important declaration.
that’s a good question. I’m using a plugin called custom background manager. I just disabled the plugin and the background is showing black. I am looking into it now. hmmm…
Yep … #010101 would be pretty dark.
Hope you can sort everything out.
Here’s another thing I just noticed in your CSS:
/* Background images for body classes */ body.term archive { background: url(woocommerce/images/shopcms01jpg.jpg) no-repeat scroll 65% 210px; } body.term post-type-archive { background: url(woocommerce/images/shopcms01jpg.jpg) no-repeat scroll 65% 210px; } body.term post-type-archive-product { background: url(woocommerce/images/shopcms01jpg.jpg) no-repeat scroll 65% 210px; }
These are the body classes available for your shop page:
archive post-type-archive post-type-archive-product custom-background woocommerce woocommerce-page header-image header-full-width content-sidebar product-rain-dance-pink-outline-t-shirt-femaleYou don’t have anything beginning with “term” on that list. You should change your CSS to be: { background: url(woocommerce/images/shopcms01jpg.jpg) no-repeat scroll 65% 210px;
Once again I caution you … the positioning of the background image may have to be altered so don’t get hung up on the 65% 210px part of the CSS. Those are specific to the site I developed and the size of the background image I was trying to place.
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