• Good Morning WordPress staff and users!

    As you can see on my page https://www.test.opening.se/produkter I am using a Parallax background image which I am very fond of. Although, As I can’t find the Parallax function in “customize” > “Layout & design” I have to work with only one section in cornerstone on the page I’ve shown you in order to get one consistent background image on the site. With several sections you have to use the same background image on every section and the background image will produce ugly edges wherever each section ends and a new starts.

    My problem: When I work with only one section the products on the page (every image with a header), lose their gap horizontally. Please see this page as well https://www.test.opening.se/galleri where I work with multiple sections instead and thus maintain the gaps. You can see that there still is a gap horizontally after each row/section. However, in this case the gaps get the edges on the background image after the section ends and a new begin. So basically I would be very pleased if someone could help me get gaps after each row of products while still my background image is parallax.

    Edit: I’ve tried to use block grid instead but then I lose the white background on each product. Padding on the columns only makes the white area longer, it does not create a gap..

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by sinander.
    • This topic was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by sinander.
    • This topic was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by sinander.
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