• Hello,

    I see the plugin does its best to find background images using the following:

          // Process background images on div elements.
          $buffer = $this->parse_background_images( $buffer, 'div' );
          // Process background images on li elements.
          $buffer = $this->parse_background_images( $buffer, 'li' );
          // Process background images on span elements.
          $buffer = $this->parse_background_images( $buffer, 'span' );
          // Process background images on section elements.
          $buffer = $this->parse_background_images( $buffer, 'section' );
          // Process background images on a/link elements.
          $buffer = $this->parse_background_images( $buffer, 'a' );

    My theme happens to put background images on header tags. Would it be possible to add a filter so that the list of tags can be tweaked? Something like:

          // Process background images on specific tag elements
          $background_images_tags = apply_filter( 'ewwwio_background_images_tags', array( 'div', 'li', 'span', 'section', 'a' ) );
          foreach ($background_images_tags as $tag) {
              $buffer = $this->parse_background_images( $buffer, $tag );

    Thank you!

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  • Thread Starter therealgilles


    Hmm that may not work. I see the background image is specified as inline css and not directly attached to the header tag.

    Thread Starter therealgilles


    I see the plugin does not seem to do webp replacement for background images in css inline code. Is that something you may be willing to add?

    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    Do you mean inline style blocks, or within the style attribute directly on any given element?

    If the former, this is something we can only do with a couple of our paid products (Easy IO and SWIS Performance). For more info on paid products, please send us an email: https://ewww.io/contact-us/

    If the latter, our Lazy Loader (on the Easy Mode tab) enables WebP rewriting alongside the JS WebP rewriter for such URLs.

    I do like your idea for allowing filtering of the element types to parse for background images. I might have to look into that further ??

    Thread Starter therealgilles


    Thank you for your response. It’s within inline style blocks.

    I did notice in the code that inline style blocks were linked to Easy IO. I guess I was only looking for webp replacement without lazy loading in this case, as it is the header/title background image and lazy loading would look odd.

    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    Both Easy IO and SWIS will do that, but otherwise it’s pretty much impossible to do JS-based WebP replacement in an inline style block with proper fallback for non-WebP browsers. We might get there someday, but not today.

    Thread Starter therealgilles


    Thank you for your response. Understood.

    CSS Tricks suggest doing the following:

    .no-webp .elementWithBackgroundImage {
      background-image: url("image.jpg");
    .webp .elementWithBackgroundImage{
      background-image: url("image.webp");
    .no-js .elementWithBackgroundImage {
      background-image: url("image.jpg");

    but I can see how that would be hard to do with post-processing like your plugin is doing. Hopefully WP and/or plugin owners will soon add better support for the format (and hopefully something forward-compatible with any new format that could improve image sizes).

    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    Indeed, that gets quite tricky trying to parse all that out with PHP (and then JS on the front-end). Feasible, but it’d be a whole lot easier if they just used direct style attributes like I’ve asked them to.

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