Hi Josaudio,
Your site looks great! Thanks for sending the link.
The background image option I mentioned earlier is a global setting. So, it can’t be used to set a different image for each page. The functionality to do that would be with a plugin.
I found a couple of free plugins that may do this for you, but neither has been updated recently. If you try these, please be sure to backup your site first and test first outside of your live site.
Plugins to try:
Background Per Page
By Fish Can’t Whistle
If you can’t find this by searching the plugin repo, download it from the above link and then upload the plugin. I did a quick test and was able to set different background photos on my contact and about pages. If you have already set a Background Image in the Customizer (for example, per my prior message), you will need to remove it first, for this plugin to work. More info: https://www.lightningrank.com/how-to-add-different-background-images-to-wordpress-post-and-pages/
Full Background Manager
I believe this plugin is designed to work with pre-set patterns and colors (not images).
I have limited experience with both of these plugins, but worth a try/test.
Let me know how it goes.