• Resolved joerns



    I added support for background image credits to your plugin. I also added display of the image title. However, I did not add any admin ui.

    Feel free to add the code or parts of it to your plugin.

    function get_image_credits() {
    		global $post;
    		$attachment_ids = array();
    		$credits = array();
    		$header_id = NULL;
    		$background_id = NULL;
    		// First first check background image
    		$query_images = new WP_Query( array(
    			'post_type' => 'attachment',
    			'post_status' => 'inherit',
    			'meta_key' => '_wp_attachment_is_custom_background',
    			'meta_value' => get_option('stylesheet') ) );
    		foreach ( $query_images->posts as $image ) {
    			if ( get_background_image() != $image->guid ) continue;
    			$background_id = $image->ID;
            		$attachment_ids[] = $background_id;
    		// First check for post thumbnail and save its ID in an array
    		if (function_exists('has_post_thumbnail') && has_post_thumbnail($post->ID)) {
    			$header_id = get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID);
    			$attachment_ids[] = $header_id;
    		// Next look in post content and check for instances of wp-image-[digits]
    		if (preg_match_all('/wp-image-(\d+)/i', $post->post_content, $matches)) {
    			foreach ($matches[1] as $id) {
    				if (!in_array($id, $attachment_ids)) {
    					$attachment_ids[] = $id;
    		// Go through all our attachments IDs and generate credits
    		foreach ($attachment_ids as $id) {
    			// Add names
    			$credit_source = esc_attr(get_post_meta($id, '_wp_attachment_source_name', true));
    			if (empty($credit_source)) continue; // Nobody to credit
    			$credit_text = '';
    			if(get_the_title($id) != '') $credit_text .= esc_attr(get_the_title($id)) .': ';
    			$credit_text .= $credit_source;
    			// Maybe add if its header or background image
    			$usage = array();
    			if($id == $background_id) $usage[] = __( 'Background Image' );
    			if($id == $header_id) $usage[] = __( 'Header Image' );
    			if(!empty($usage)) $credit_text .= ' (' . implode($usage, ', ') . ')';
    			$credit_link = esc_url(get_post_meta($id, '_wp_attachment_source_url', true));
    			if (empty($credit_link)) {
    				$credits[] = $credit_text;
    			} else {
    				$credits[] = '<a href="' . $credit_link . '">' . $credit_text . '</a>';
    		return array_unique($credits);
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  • Plugin Author Claude Vedovini


    isn’t that something you’d rather put in the footer or someplace that is always there? because as I understand it, using the plugin you will only show the background image credits when a single post or page is displayed, whereas the background image is _always_ displayed. Hence you won’t give credit on archive pages for example.

    Thread Starter joerns


    No, it is meant to work everywhere, and works for me on every page I tested. However in WordPress it is complicated to retrieve the ID of the currently selected background image, so the code a bit longer.

    Plugin Author Claude Vedovini


    I am pretty sure that the way it’s done the credits for that background will either be repeated or absent on an archive page (blog, category or tag page)
    Do you have a link to your website you can send me?

    Thread Starter joerns


    Well, unfortunatley the site isnt online yet.

    However I have a screenshot: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2311504/Unbenannt.PNG

    Really works on all pages.

    Thread Starter joerns


    Have a look at: https://verein.eckmannshain.de/ (in the footer)

    However I have to admit that this does not always work if the image is added by some plugins (e.g. pixabay plugin). If the image is uploaded via media uploader, it works. I could investiage that but am busy at the moment.

    Plugin Author Claude Vedovini


    do you use the template tag to output the credits in the footer?

    Plugin Author Claude Vedovini


    Hi, I just released version 1.4 which adds support for the custom header and background images. I also added a widget that you can put in the footer or the sidebars.
    Thanks for your contribution ??

    Thread Starter joerns


    You’re welcome. I always prefer contributing to existing plugins rather than creating an indefinite number of forks ??

    Output is done by calling if(function_exists('the_image_credits')) the_image_credits(); in my footer.php.

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