.single-post #main-content {
background-color: #f9f9f4 !important;
It’s hard to know where to add this as some themes allow custom code to be added in the theme options page, or in a custom CSS file they include, but you could always try: ‘Appearance’ -> ‘Customize’ -> ‘Additional CSS’ first.
Hope that helps!
]]>My only final problem is trying to get my archive page to also be uniform in color(in the same manner as the post pages) I cannot work out in divi how or where to change that at all. Also i have hidden the sidebar in posts pages too, but cant do that in the archive pages either.(using content aware) By archive page i mean the page that you link to from the categories set in the header menu category titles, if that makes any sense.
post page look like this now:
(though i wish to god i could get rid of the separator/divider)
wanted my category/archive page to look the same but its ended up being like this:
anyway, help has been great so far and hopping to solve those last glitches. If anyone knows please yell in my direction