• cscott5288


    I logged on to a computer at my school today, navigated to my blog and noticed something quite odd. All of my background colors for many of my dividers were different. I had them set to a flat white but they were adopting the green background of my body area. On my laptop, I can see the white background on all browsers (IE, Chrome, FF) so I can’t understand why it would be different on a different windows machine. What’s odd is that both IE and FF on the school computer interpret the same thing: the green background.

    The site is https://www.blogtap.net

    Any help would be appreciated.

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  • flamenco


    It’s hard to say for sure. It ostensibly looks OK. I did do a validate on your CSS, and got lots of errors. That’s where I would look first if I were you.

    Good luck, Dave

    Thread Starter cscott5288


    Thanks flamenco. I am going to get working on those CSS errors tomorrow.

    Thread Starter cscott5288


    OK, well I have fixed all of the CSS issues that were possible for me to fix. Unfortunately, there seems to be a number of errors caused by the default styles WordPress recommends you place in your style.css. Check here to see the specific styles the validator has an issue with. It seems “-moz-border-radius,” “-khtml-border-radius,” “-webkit-border-radius,” and “border-radius” are invalid properties. Why would WordPress recommend you place invalid CSS properties in your stylesheet?

    Also there is a strange ul class (ul.addtoany_list) that is invalid. I do not have the class in my style.css so I guess must be generated by WordPress as well.



    I’m basically stumped if that isn’t it. One bizarro thing, though unlikely, is that the other computer has a funny browser setup, like its own stylesheet, funny Windows desktop settings, or something kooky like that. Good luck.

    Thread Starter cscott5288


    I actually haven’t checked if it works. The only thing I changed really was to take out:

    .categories {…}
    .cat-item {…}
    .current-cat {…}
    .current-cat-parent {…}
    .children {…}
    .pagenav {…}
    .page_item {…}
    .current_page_item {…}
    .current_page_parent {…}
    .current_page_ancestor {…}
    .widget {…}
    .widget_text {…}
    .blogroll {…}

    In my stylesheet. For some stupid reason I had left them in there even though they had no styles in them. Do you really think that will fix the compatibility issues? I guess I will find out tomorrow.

    Also, is it possible for me to fix the validation errors that I still have or are they necessary?

    border-radius is css3.

    -moz-, -webkit-, -khtml-, etc. are vendor-specific extensions. You can pretty much ignore these.

    ul.addtoany_list is not generated by WordPress, it’s added by one of your plugins.

    Thread Starter cscott5288


    OK, so it looks like I have done pretty much everything I can. Anyone not seeing a white background on the post area and the top three boxes in the header on my blog? I will have to wait till tomorrow to see if my school computer is still not displaying those.

    Thread Starter cscott5288


    I checked it on one of the school computers today and it looks fine. Looks like the problems are resolved. Thanks!

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