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  • Yes you can.

    You have to go to :

    Plugins –> Kento3D –> Editor

    You will find some Javascript right here.
    Almost 50% down in this file you should find this part :

    <script type=’text/javascript’>
    var canvas = document.getElementById(‘cv’);
    var viewer = new JSC3D.Viewer(canvas);
    viewer.setParameter(‘SceneUrl’, ‘”.$atts[‘source’].”‘);
    viewer.setParameter(‘InitRotationX’, -15);
    viewer.setParameter(‘InitRotationY’, 135);
    viewer.setParameter(‘InitRotationZ’, 0);
    viewer.setParameter(‘ModelColor’, ‘#57524C’);
    viewer.setParameter(‘BackgroundColor1’, ‘#383840’);
    viewer.setParameter(‘BackgroundColor2’, ‘#000000’);
    viewer.setParameter(‘RenderMode’, ‘texturesmooth’);
    viewer.setParameter(‘MipMapping’, ‘on’);

    You aim for this 2 parameters
    viewer.setParameter(‘BackgroundColor1’, ‘#383840’); GREY
    viewer.setParameter(‘BackgroundColor2’, ‘#000000’); BLACK

    Just change the value of the parameters as you want.
    In your example you want this 2 values here
    viewer.setParameter(‘BackgroundColor1’, ‘#383840’); GREY
    viewer.setParameter(‘BackgroundColor2’, ‘#ffffff’); WHITE

    To be sure save the parts you change for a backup or whatever.

    Hope i could help you.

    Hello JensJensen2,

    Thank you for your post but it didn’t work for me, any other ideas?

    Thank you!


    Never mind, I was editing the plugin script and not trough the WP editor…

    It works! Now, if we only could get it responsive then this plugin is one step ahead ;).

    Nice to hear that i could help.

    Yep, responsive would be awesome ??
    Also a transparent background would be hot. Ill keep the search going and test some stuff out the next days.

    This 2 “little” things would be really one step ahead.
    Maybe we can figure it out the next couple days ??

    Hello Jens,

    Take a look at this one:

    I’m using that plugin now, the author is doing all he can to please the users. Background can set transparent, you can also apply a CSS to it. It’s still not responsive but I only use a viewport/canvas of 340*340px so for me that ain’t a problem. take a look how I implemented it:

    Still needs work on styling but I’m not a programmer so this can take some time ;).

    Hey Ronald ,

    looks great yeah, ill check this one out as well.
    Thanks a lot for this tip , hope u have some fun with your site ??

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