Backend Show Relations Feature
I’ve been thinking that one of the things that would be most useful, and that doesn’t seem to exist in any other Related Post plugin that I’ve seen, would be a means to allow the admin to see the relations of a post.
For example, in the editor while in a specific post, or a link on the Posts page, or an icon that appears next to each Related Post if you’re logged in as an admin that takes you to a new page showing you the name of the post and ALL relations to that post in order from most related to least.
Why? Should be obvious. I’m looking at a film called, The Judge. It’s a Robert Downey, Jr. film with Robert Duvall about his dysfunctional relationship with his father and involves a court scene. One of the related posts being shown is, The Gunman. It’s a film that stars Sean Penn and Javier Bardem about a corporate gunman and a mission gone bad. These two films should not be linked.
To fix this now would require loading both pages, looking over every tag and figuring it out. The above feature would let me immediately see that they have a few tags in common:
Crime and Drama.
In THIS case, once I can easily see that, I know that I simply need more entries as these are basic tags and once there are more films fully tagged, this will go away all by itself. Great to know.
Because these are films they could easily have 30 tags per film. The stars, the director, the writer, the genres, the plot keywords. Using this feature I’d get a list and see that Film A has X keywords and Film B has Y keywords, but that they match on only 2. Great info.
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