This is from my server admin:
Your current web server load average from the last 8 hours is 2.85. (16.00 would be your theoretical maximum at current spec). This translates to roughly 17.8% CPU use.
You’re on a 16 Core web server coming from dual Intel Xeon E5 V2 Processors with 16GB RAM for 1866MHz ECC RAM with Pure SSD RAID 10 Array on Web and DB servers and SAS RAID 10 Array with SSD Enhancement for your attachment server. Your CPU models on your servers are dual Intel Xeon E5 2690 V2 and dual Intel Xeon E5 2620 V2.
A NewRelic analysis of your server from the last 30 minutes, shows ‘’ is the most time consuming external service connected to your site, taking up 98.6% of the loading time. It has a very high call per minute count. Screenshot is attached of the analysis showing the 98% hold up. This is most likely due to server issues at It seems to be very slow or not responding, which in turn will make your backend crawl. Until they resolve their issue, it will be slow in your backend.
To determine which plugin is causing this, I ran a full scan of the code of all your plugins and one plugin uses the URL mentioned above. The plugin called ‘wp-slimstat’ makes requests to that very same URL,
Here is a copy of the plugin, filename, and line number where the request url is mentioned:
wp-slimstat/wp-slimstat.php:1507: $request_url = ‘’ . urlencode( ‘https://’ . $_SERVER[ ‘HTTP_HOST’ ] . $_SERVER[ ‘REQUEST_URI’ ] ) . ‘&agent=’ . urlencode( $_SERVER[ ‘HTTP_USER_AGENT’ ] ) . ‘&v=’ . ( isset( $_GET[ ‘v’ ] ) ? $_GET[ ‘v’ ] : 11 ) . ‘&ip=’ . urlencode( $_SERVER[ ‘REMOTE_ADDR’ ] ) . ‘&p=2’;