• Resolved Tara


    [STEP] [2021-11-16 10:52:32] Looking for PHP CLI executable file.
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:34] PHP CLI Filename: php
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:34] PHP CLI Version: 7.3.32 (cli)
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:34] PHP CLI Memory limit: 256M/512M
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:34] PHP CLI Execution limit: 0/0
    [SUCCESS] [2021-11-16 10:52:34] We properly detected PHP CLI executable file.
    [WARN] [2021-11-16 10:52:36] Something went wrong in PHP CLI process, backup will be continued with legacy methods.
    [STEP] [2021-11-16 10:52:36] Initializing backup…
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:36] Backup & Migration version: 1.1.5
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:36] Site which will be backed up: ***site_url***
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:36] PHP Version: 7.3.32
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:36] Web server: LiteSpeed
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:36] Max execution time (in seconds): 259200
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:36] Max rows per query (this site): 800
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:36] Checking if backup dir is writable…
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:36] Initializing custom error handler
    [SUCCESS] [2021-11-16 10:52:36] Yup it is writable…
    [STEP] [2021-11-16 10:52:36] Scanning files…
    [SUCCESS] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] Backup via PHP CLI initialized successfully.
    [STEP] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] Initializing backup…
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] Backup & Migration version: 1.1.5
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] Site which will be backed up: ***site_url***
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] PHP Version: 7.3.32
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] Web server: Not available
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] Max execution time (in seconds): 259200
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] Max rows per query (this site): 800
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] Checking if backup dir is writable…
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] Initializing custom error handler
    [SUCCESS] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] Yup it is writable…
    [STEP] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] Scanning files…
    [STEP] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] Checking free space, reserving…
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] Requires at least 825298825 bytes. [787.07 MB]
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] Disk free space function is not disabled – using it…
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] Checking this path/partition: ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/***backup_path***/backups
    [SUCCESS] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] There is 440,660.84 MB free. [430.33 GB]
    [SUCCESS] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] Great! We have enough space.
    [SUCCESS] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] Confirmed, there is more than enough space, checked: 825298825 bytes
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] Scanning done – found 7759 files…
    [SUCCESS] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] Backup initialized…
    [STEP] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] Initializing archiving system…
    [SUCCESS] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] Archive system initialized…
    [STEP] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] Preparing map of files…
    [SUCCESS] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] Files prepared.
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] Starting compression process…
    [STEP] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] Smart memory calculation…
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] There is 384 MBs of memory to use
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] WordPress memory limit: 256 MBs
    [SUCCESS] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] Setting the safe limit to 86 MB
    [STEP] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] Making database backup (using V2 engine, requires at least v1.1.0 to restore)
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] Iterating database…
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] Memory usage after initialization: 54.60 MB
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] Scan found 15 tables (1890 rows), estimated total size: 13.46 MB.
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] Memory usage after getting table names: 54.60 MB
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] Getting table recipes…
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] Table recipes have been exported.
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] Memory usage after loading recipes: 54.61 MB
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] Saving recipes…
    [STEP] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] Checking free space, reserving…
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] Requires at least 825298825 bytes. [787.07 MB]
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] Disk free space function is not disabled – using it…
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] Checking this path/partition: ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/***backup_path***/backups
    [SUCCESS] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] There is 440,660.63 MB free. [430.33 GB]
    [SUCCESS] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] Great! We have enough space.
    [SUCCESS] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] Confirmed, there is more than enough space, checked: 825298825 bytes
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] Scanning done – found 7759 files…
    [SUCCESS] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] Backup initialized…
    [STEP] [2021-11-16 10:52:37] Initializing archiving system…
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:38] Recipes saved.
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:38] Memory usage after recipe off-load: 54.60 MB
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:38] Exporting table data…
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:38] Getting data of table: wp_commentmeta (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:38] Table: wp_commentmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00129 ms
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:38] Getting data of table: wp_comments (0.09 MB)
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:38] Table: wp_comments cloned, operation took: 0.00287 ms
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:38] Getting data of table: wp_links (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:38] Table: wp_links cloned, operation took: 0.00138 ms
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:38] Getting data of table: wp_options (2.19 MB)
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:38] Table: wp_options cloned, operation took: 0.12343 ms
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:38] Getting data of table: wp_postmeta (0.44 MB)
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:38] Table: wp_postmeta cloned, operation took: 0.15811 ms
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:38] Getting data of table: wp_posts (5.58 MB)
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:39] Table: wp_posts cloned, operation took: 0.71783 ms
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:39] Getting data of table: wp_term_relationships (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:39] Table: wp_term_relationships cloned, operation took: 0.00363 ms
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:39] Getting data of table: wp_term_taxonomy (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:39] Table: wp_term_taxonomy cloned, operation took: 0.00291 ms
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:39] Getting data of table: wp_termmeta (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:39] Table: wp_termmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00113 ms
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:39] Getting data of table: wp_terms (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:39] Table: wp_terms cloned, operation took: 0.00267 ms
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:39] Getting data of table: wp_usermeta (0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:39] Table: wp_usermeta cloned, operation took: 0.00307 ms
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:39] Getting data of table: wp_users (0.06 MB)
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:39] Table: wp_users cloned, operation took: 0.00203 ms
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:39] Getting data of table: wp_wpfm_backup (0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:39] Table: wp_wpfm_backup cloned, operation took: 0.00095 ms
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:39] Getting data of table: wp_wpr_rucss_resources (4.27 MB)
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:39] Table: wp_wpr_rucss_resources cloned, operation took: 0.12725 ms
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:39] Getting data of table: wp_wpr_rucss_used_css (0.50 MB)
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:39] Table: wp_wpr_rucss_used_css cloned, operation took: 0.01595 ms
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:39] Table data exported.
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:39] Memory usage after data export: 54.60 MB
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:39] Entire process took: 1.2773 s
    [SUCCESS] [2021-11-16 10:52:39] Database backup finished
    [STEP] [2021-11-16 10:52:39] Making archive
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:39] Compressing…
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:39] Using PclZip module to create the backup
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:39] Legacy setting: Using default modules depending on user server
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 10:52:42] Starting background process on server-side…
    [WARN] [2021-11-16 10:52:54] Could not find any response from the server, trying again in 3 seconds.
    [WARN] [2021-11-16 10:52:57] Still nothing backup probably is not running.
    [STEP] [2021-11-16 10:52:57] Reverting backup, removing file…
    [ERROR] [2021-11-16 10:52:57] There was an error during backup…
    [ERROR] [2021-11-16 10:52:57] Backup could not run on your server, please check global logs.
    [STEP] [2021-11-16 10:52:57] Aborting backup…
    [DOWNLOAD GENERATED] File downloaded on (server time): 2021-11-16 10:53:03
    [DOWNLOAD GENERATED] Last update (seconds): 31 seconds ago
    [DOWNLOAD GENERATED] Last update (date): 2021-11-16 10:52:32

Viewing 4 replies - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • Plugin Author iClyde


    Hi @tara_spence

    It seems that something may be wrong with your PHP CLI executable.

    You can try these steps:
    1. Please follow the settings in the first section: https://prnt.sc/1s1ocpa
    2. Once you save it please open “Other options” section and find this setting: https://prnt.sc/1s1ofpa
    3. Disable PHP CLI checking: https://prnt.sc/1sljr31
    4. Save “Other options” section
    5. Force stop both processes: https://prnt.sc/1trv1tm
    6. Try to run the backup again ??

    Let me know if that worked for you.
    Thank you!

    Thread Starter Tara


    After troubleshooting with live chat I was able to create a backup. However, the back up shows as successful, but when I navigate to the back up / migration tab – there are no back ups saved there. I downloaded the back up file, and am able to successfully download it when I follow the URL manually. But when I use the URL in the Super-Quick Migration I get the error message: Invalid back up.

    See error log below:

    [STEP] [2021-11-16 19:59:51] Initializing restore process
    [STEP] [2021-11-16 19:59:53] Looking for PHP CLI executable file.
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 19:59:54] PHP CLI Filename: php
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 19:59:54] PHP CLI Version: 5.6.40 (cli)
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 19:59:54] PHP CLI Memory limit: 128M/512M
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 19:59:54] PHP CLI Execution limit: 0/0
    [SUCCESS] [2021-11-16 19:59:54] We properly detected PHP CLI executable file.
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 19:59:56] Downloading via PHP CLI
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 19:59:56] Creating lock file
    [STEP] [2021-11-16 19:59:56] Initializing download process
    [SUCCESS] [2021-11-16 19:59:56] Downloading initialized
    [STEP] [2021-11-16 19:59:56] Downloading remote file...
    [INFO] [2021-11-16 20:04:28] Unlocking migration
    [SUCCESS] [2021-11-16 20:04:28] Download completed (took: 272.65635180473s)
    [STEP] [2021-11-16 20:04:28] Looking for backup manifest
    [ERROR] [2021-11-16 20:04:28] Backup does not exist under provided URL.
    [ERROR] [2021-11-16 20:04:28] Please confirm that you can download the backup file via provided URL.
    [ERROR] [2021-11-16 20:04:28] ...or the manifest file does not exist in the backup.
    [ERROR] [2021-11-16 20:04:28] Missing manifest means that the backup is probably invalid.
    [END-CODE] [2021-11-16 20:04:29] #002
    [DOWNLOAD GENERATED] File downloaded on (server time): 2021-11-16 20:04:39
    [DOWNLOAD GENERATED] Last update (seconds): 11 seconds ago 
    [DOWNLOAD GENERATED] Last update (date): 2021-11-16 20:04:28

    I have also manually uploaded the backup zip to the site via FTP, and I can see the zip file successfully in the folder – but when I rescan locally, it says there are no back ups available?

    Plugin Author iClyde


    Hi @tara_spence

    I know there was a bug on few hosting providers where the ZipArchive module was modified. In such cases the backup is not complete and can’t be used to restore.

    Our backup list can display only valid backups, that’s why you can’t find it there.
    This backup still can be used to restore files but it will required some manual changes.

    To solve the issue, please try to make new backup and make sure you use this backup method: https://prnt.sc/1s1ofpa
    This option can be found in “Other options” section.

    Once it finish, please confirm that this backup is displayed on the list.

    Let me know if that solves the issue ??
    Thank you!

    Thread Starter Tara


    Thank you for the reply. But I did end up going with another migration plugin, as I need to get the process done ASAP.

Viewing 4 replies - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
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