thanks for your feedback!
First, let me clarify that this has nothing to do in any way with the TablePress Premium versions! These do not have more or different features regarding the things that you mentioned.
Unfortunately, I do not know why two of your computers don’t have the desired behavior here. It could be related to their privacy settings or caching, maybe. The challenge with not returning to the previous position in the table when using the browser’s “Back” button is that this must be stored somewhere in the browser (because it’s actually the browser that is showing the table from the first page again). When the command that I posted above is used, the JavaScript code for this feature in TablePress tries to save the current position in the so-called LocalStorage (this is similar to e.g. browser cookies). Then, when the user returns to the page, the JS code asks the browser for that last stored position and shows that. If the browser however is configured to e.g. not return a value here (due to caching or privacy reasons), TablePress can not know what the last shown position is.
As for showing numbers between the “Previous” and “Next” links in the pagination, or an “All” entry in the Pagination length dropdown: I totally see that these could be help with large tables, and adding this is possible now already, but I don’t think that all tables need this, which is why I didn’t make it the default. To add these, extend the command from above to
"stateSave": true,
"lengthMenu": [ [10, 25, 50, -1], [10, 25, 50, "All"] ],
"pagingType": "simple_numbers"