Wow, that’s what I call reactiveness! Thank you. I already upgraded to the new version.
You are right: a modifiable inline style will be the best. The important part is that the WorldTag links can be easily distinguished from the other links. For me that means double underline or dashed underline as a selector option, the third option being the possibility to customize the inline style, for example.
Using the “underline” to concatenate several words into one for easy processing is a good idea. But maybe offer the possibility to “escape” the underline if ever it SHOULD be there. For the blogger it should not be a problem to add a “\” like in wt:target=”\_blank” to mark the underscore as a standard char to stay in place.
What do you mean “a WP widget showing the other links”? I am not quite sure how to understand your suggestion.
A few more suggestions for the plugin.
– Maybe indent the list of links that shows up on the page for easy readability
– offer a field in the plug-in config that allows to define, with a short list of single words, separated by commas, the scope of the blog. OK, I am dreaming, but …
As you could see, my blog is aimed to vehicle information about transgendered life, for trans people as well as for others. But in this context, if I write a post about the pope, the content might well be radically different from the post content of a catholic faith blog :-). I could easily describe the scope of my blog with the following words: LGBT, transgender, transsexual. The keywords might be used to filter later on the posts link list. I think 5 well chosen keywords will be sufficient to describe the scope of a blog. I don’t mean that there should be an active filter, but just the list of words available in a column to be searched upon. This could look like:
… | post information ….. | date | LGBT transgender transsexual
– maybe it would be nice to show the post title in the list ?
OK, let’s close with an offer, if needed. If ever you looked at my blog you might have noticed that this blog is poly-lingual: English, German, French and Luxembourgish. If ever you want the plugin to be multi-lingual as well, I can help you ( French, German, Luxembourgish ). Same for an upcoming user-guide.
Thank you again.