AWS Lightsale API Settings
Hello and good day. What permissions does the AWS Lightsail user need to have?
There are quite a few listed on aws site.
Thanks for contacting us. You can set-up a root user account and then use the Identity and Access Management (IAM) console to create a user with Administrator access.
Have a look at this AWS guide for more information.
But I really dont understand how the WP Cloud Server is supposed to work.
How do I have it create the accounts for me on Lightsail?
What do I need to setup just for lightsail creation?
Ok. I understand know what you’re asking! First, you need to set-up an administrator account on AWS as described in the link I sent previously.
When you log-in to this account you need navigate to ‘My Security Credentials’ and open the section titled ‘Access keys (access key ID and secret access key)’. Now you can set-up an ‘Access Key ID’ and ‘Secret Access Key’.
Now. In the WordPress dashboard of the site running the WP Cloud Server plugin click on the ‘WP Cloud Server’ menu. This will take you to the module overview page.
If you don’t have ‘AWS Lightsail’ activated then click the ‘Activate’ link. This will add an ‘AWS Lightsail’ option in the left-hand menu, under modules. Click this option.
You will now see a page with three tabs. The first is ‘Settings’ here you will see two fields one labelled ‘Access Key’ and the other ‘Secret Key’. Paste in the values you created in your AWS account and click save settings.
Now AWS Lightsail is configured. You will see a WordPress menu called ‘Cloud Servers’. If this is the only module active clicking it will take you to the AWS Lightsail control panel.
Inside the control panel you will be able to see and manage instances that exist in your AWS Lightsail account, or use the ‘+ Add Instance’ tab to manually create servers.
The main power of the plugin is enabled when you install and activate WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads. You will see a new menu section where you can create server templates and view clients.
A template defines a servers settings. If you create a WooCommerce product there is a new ‘Web Hosting Plan’ tab where you can select a module and a template you previously saved.
When someone purchases the plan the AWS Lightsail server matching the template is created in your account, so you can manage client servers.
I hope this helps.
Got it!
Inside the control panel you will be able to see and manage instances that exist in your AWS Lightsail account, or use the ‘+ Add Instance’ tab to manually create servers.
Question: I dont see any of my servers when I click on servers from the Cloud Servers.
Does it take awhile to populate?
The main power of the plugin is enabled when you install and activate WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads. You will see a new menu section where you can create server templates and view clients.
Question: I do not have WP Cloud loaded on my Woocommerce store site. Its on another wordpress installation. Is there anyway to create those customer accounts with my setup?
I’m pleased you managed to get going with the plugin! Taking each of your questions in turn;
1. We cache the results unless there is no data, or a new server has been created, in which case we perform a new GET of the list of servers. If you’re not seeing your servers when the plugin is newly installed, and you already have servers, then it could be a bug – I will investigate this and get it fixed in the next up date.
We also perform a regular update of all data. Did it eventually work ok?
2. At the moment the WP Cloud Server plugin needs to be installed on the same WordPress website as the WooCommerce or EDD install. We may use APIs in the future to allow different sites to be used, but this will be in the future!
I hope this helps? I am going to close this thread now because I think we have covered the initial issue.
Please feel free to raise a new query if you have more questions.
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