Awesome to have WordPress plugin !!!
- is a treasure and its even faster than Cloudflare when it comes to speed and much cheaper than the Cloudflare’s Pro plan that costs $20. I am so happy that now you have come up with a plugin for the WordPress. I am using WP 6.5.5 on PHP 8.2.20 and it is working great. P.S. Those who post reviews complaining that plugin is bad please read this – please use the “support” for help and DO NOT POST your stupid careless reviews! Please go to the support —- and wait for the help and when asking for help always mention the WP and PHP version as a minimum spec information. Please do not try to hurt BUNNY.NET something that’s awesome and is a result of great minds and years of hard work. And always, please do not test anything on a live site. Be it installing any plugin, the production site is not for testing any plugin, please do testing on a separate staging site. THANKS a lot team to make this happen. God bless great minds like yourself. Great day! I remember reading that more features are on the roadmap of this plugin – can’t wait to see them. Also, I am waiting for more great features on the plugin for native WP integration such as auto-purging of WP and CDN cache when a WP page or post is updated. Also, integration with litespeedcache plugin just as CloudFlare has. Thanks. Thanks a lot again for this easy-to-use plugin.
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