Thank you for your messages. Please, kindly do not use the rating section to ask help with your issue. I understand you need to address your issue ASAP.
However, we haven’t removed the option you’re mention from the lite version.
Check the topic you’ve opened on the forums, you will find a screenshot of the settings page, that website is running the latest version of UU Lite.
This is the topic you have opened on the forums https://usersultra.com/support/forums/topic/cannot-find-users-ultra-pages-settings/.
Again, let’s keep talking about your issue on the forums, this sections is not for support.
We’re just trying to help, however… we won’t be able to help you here.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We look forward to hearing from you on the forums, there we would be able to exchange private information if needed. This topic won’t allow us to exchange private information.
Happy holidays