For your site here is some custom CSS that will change your link colors on scroll. I’ve included main, hover, and active link colors.
Main color
/* link color */
.she-header .elementor-nav-menu--main:not(.e--pointer-framed) .elementor-item {
color: #555555 !important;
/* link underline color */
.she-header .elementor-nav-menu--main:not(.e--pointer-framed) .elementor-item:after {
background-color: #555555 !important;
Hover color
/* link hover color */
.she-header .elementor-nav-menu--main:not(.e--pointer-framed) .elementor-item:hover {
color: #555555 !important;
/* link hover underline color */
.she-header .elementor-nav-menu--main:not(.e--pointer-framed) .elementor-item:after {
background-color: #555555 !important;
Active color
/* active link color */
.she-header .elementor-nav-menu--main .elementor-item.elementor-item-active {
color: var( --e-global-color-primary ) !important;
/* active link underline color */
.she-header .elementor-nav-menu--main:not(.e--pointer-framed) .elementor-item.elementor-item-active:after {
background-color: var( --e-global-color-primary ) !important;
/* var( --e-global-color-primary ) is your global "primary" color but can be replaced with any # or rgba color */
Just change the #555555 to whatever color you like. You can also control the underline color separately or set it the same color.
If you switch from the “underline” pointer style let me know so I can send you the correctly modified code. Each pointer style has specific code.
Hope this helps until I get the custom link color options built into the plugin. I’d really appreciate if your review reflected the bug being fixed for you. Thanks a lot