Here is a custom module that awards points for a custom taxonomy (in this cased called highlight).
Copy the following code and save it in a php file. Upload it to your module folder and activate. You can set a custom number of points and log message for each existing term. If the taxonomy does not exist no settings will be shown.
WordPress 3.0+ (tested and working on 3.5)
* Register Custom CubePoints Module
__( 'Highlight Points' ),
__( 'Gives points for posts being assigned to a "Highlight" taxonomy.' ),
* Setup Module settings on activation
* @action 'cp_module_highlight_term_points_activate'
add_action( 'cp_module_highlight_term_points_activate', 'high_points_setup' );
function high_points_setup()
// Grab our settings, if they exist (re-activating module) we do not need to run this again.
$settings = get_option( 'cp_points_for_highlight' );
if ( $settings !== false ) return;
// Grab all "highlight" terms
$args = array(
'hide_empty' => 0,
'fields' => 'ids'
$highlights = get_terms( 'highlight', $args );
// None exists, lets bail.
if ( !$highlights ) return;
// Instead of tons of extra options fields in our database we save all settings into one array.
// term_id => array( points = int, log_text = sring )
$default_values = array();
foreach ( $highlights as $id ) {
$default_values[$id] = array(
'points' => 0,
'log_text' => ''
// Save setting
add_option( 'cp_points_for_highlight', $default_values );
* Check Posts Point History
* Runs a database query for a given post to see if that post has been given points for a specific term
* @param $post_id int, required post id to check
* @param $term_id int, required term id to check
* @return true or false
* @version 1.0
function post_been_awarded_points_for_term( $post_id = false, $term_id = false )
if ( !$post_id || !$term_id ) return false;
global $wpdb;
$search = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare(
"SELECT * FROM " . CP_DB . " WHERE type = %s AND data LIKE %d ORDER BY timestamp DESC ",
'highlight-' . $post_id,
) );
if ( empty( $search ) ) return false;
else return true;
* If module is activated and custom taxonomy exists
if ( cp_module_activated( 'highlight_term_points' ) ) {
* Add Module Settings to Config Page
* We loop though all existing terms so we can give each a custom number of points and log description.
* @action 'cp_config_form'
add_action( 'cp_config_form', 'cp_module_highlight_term_points_config' );
function cp_module_highlight_term_points_config()
$settings = get_option( 'cp_points_for_highlight' );
$highlights = get_terms( 'highlight', array( 'hide_empty' => 0 ) );
// get_terms() will return false if taxonomy does not exist in which case we bail.
if ( $highlights === false ) return; ?>
<br />
<h3>Points for Highlights</h3>
<table class="form-table">
// If terms exists
if ( $highlights ) {
// The Loop
foreach ( $highlights as $highlight ) {
// Lets avoid nasty PHP notices
if ( isset( $settings[$highlight->term_id] ) ) {
$term_points = $settings[$highlight->term_id]['points'];
$term_log_description = $settings[$highlight->term_id]['log_text'];
else {
$term_points = 0;
$term_log_description = '';
<!-- Points -->
<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row">
<label for="<?php echo 'cp-high-' . $highlight->slug . '-points'; ?>"><strong><?php echo $highlight->name; ?></strong> Points:</label>
<td valign="middle">
<input type="text" id="<?php echo 'cp-high-' . $highlight->slug . '-points'; ?>" name="<?php echo 'cp_high[' . $highlight->term_id . '][points]'; ?>" value="<?php echo $term_points; ?>" class="short-text code" />
<!-- Log Description -->
<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row">
<label for="<?php echo 'cp-high-' . $highlight->slug . '-text'; ?>">Log Text:</label>
<td valign="middle">
<input type="text" id="<?php echo 'cp-high-' . $highlight->slug . '-text'; ?>" name="<?php echo 'cp_high[' . $highlight->term_id . '][text]'; ?>" value="<?php echo $term_log_description; ?>" class="regular-text" />
else {
<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row">
<td valign="middle">No "Highlight" Terms Found.</td>
* Process Settings
* Saves our settings and does some basic sanitization of the values.
* @action 'cp_config_process'
add_action( 'cp_config_process', 'cp_module_highlight_term_points_process' );
function cp_module_highlight_term_points_process()
if ( isset( $_POST['cp_high'] ) ) {
$settings = array();
foreach ( $_POST['cp_high'] as $term_id => $details ) {
// Make sure the term still exists so we are not saving details that just got deleted.
if ( term_exists( $term_id, 'highlight' ) )
$settings[$term_id] = array(
'points' => (int) $details['points'],
'log_text' => strip_tags( trim( $details['text'] ) )
update_option( 'cp_points_for_highlight', $settings );
* Hook Into Save Post
* @action 'save_post'
add_action( 'save_post', 'cp_module_highlight_term_points_action', 99, 2 );
function cp_module_highlight_term_points_action( $post_id, $post )
// Skip if we are autosaving or creating a post or if highlights are not selected
if ( defined( 'DOING_AUTOSAVE' ) && DOING_AUTOSAVE ) return;
elseif ( !isset( $post ) || $post->post_status == 'auto-draft' ) return;
// If $_POST['tax_input']['taxonomy'] is not set no points can be given
elseif ( !isset( $_POST['tax_input']['highlight'] ) ) return;
// Only users who can manage categories can set "highlights" (editors and admins)
// For more info regarding capabilities see
if ( !current_user_can( 'manage_categories' ) ) return;
// Grab this objects (post) highlight terms
$highlights = wp_get_object_terms( $post_id, 'highlight' );
// Once removed if the result is higher then 0 = we have highlights selected
if ( count( $highlights ) > 0 ) {
// Grab our modules saved settings
$settings = get_option( 'cp_points_for_highlight' );
// Lets loop though the selected "highlights"
foreach ( $highlights as $highlight_term ) {
// If this post has no history with this term and a term point setting exists lets add some points
if ( !post_been_awarded_points_for_term( $post_id, $highlight_term->term_id ) && array_key_exists( $highlight_term->term_id, $settings ) )
cp_points( 'highlight-' . $post_id, (int) $post->post_author, (int) $settings[$highlight_term->term_id]['points'], (int) $highlight_term->term_id );
// cp_points( Type (highlight-postid), User (userid), Points (int), Term ID (int) )
* Customize CubePoints Log
* @action 'cp_logs_description'
add_action( 'cp_logs_description', 'cp_module_highlight_term_points_description', 10, 4 );
function cp_module_highlight_term_points_description( $type, $user_id, $points, $data )
// Make sure the type is ours.
if ( preg_match( '/(highlight-)(\d{1,})/', $type, $match ) ) {
$settings = get_option( 'cp_points_for_highlight' );
if ( array_key_exists( $data, $settings ) )
echo $settings[$data]['log_text'];
else return;