We want to provide best service possible but there are many false claims that you have made.
About the customer support, I think we responded your query in 2 hours proving all our reviews.
Demo: We provide demo to any customer who want to try it before purchasing. We have a tab called “Demo” in the free plugin where you can request for testing premium features before upgrading.
User Experience: Yes, We agree but it can differ from customer to customer. User experience is a constant effort which our team works on. This is well maintained plugin where we constantly update based on the customer suggestions. Customers can send us suggestions on WordPress forum and our own support in the plugin.
Our statement about “plugin has to be defective” is also false. According to our policy if it does not work on your website then someone from our team will check and if our team is not able to resolve it then refund is initiated without any delay. Please do not mislead.
Let us state it again and be clear “It should work for our customers and not only on our end”.
And to our knowledge, you did not report any issue in the working of the premium plugin.
Not mentioning clear reason why you requested refund in the review is also misleading WordPress forum and its users. To be clear, you wanted unlimited SMS to be sent to your users without any additional SMS cost. We have not advertised free SMS service any where in the plugin and which is also common across all other services. SMS charges are what gateway charge us and all others to send SMS.
The premium version you have, We also have option to configure your own gateway in case you find any free service. So the plugin can do the authentication part and your preferred service can send SMS.
As these are some false claims with no base so I request you to remove the review.
]]>Marius here, one of the moderators here at www.remarpro.com
Let me start by addressing the review it self, for the most part, this is perfectly valid, your experiences with the setup process, the upgrades etc are your experiences.
I have removed the remarks about reviews, as that’s not part of your experience, and the moderation team here at www.remarpro.com check for this when receiving such claims.
If you should have any questions or concerns about this, please feel free to reach out to the moderators in the #forums channel on Slack (a Slack account is required)
]]>Thank You.