Hi – I don’t know what your second paragraph means in relation to this plugin.
Hover is caused by href title. Titles are there for accessibility. Some say good for SEO too, but some say doesnt matter for SEO. With ics feeds, the href title uses description because there is no excerpt. if using amr-events then excerpts to the event will show on hover rather than the description. So that’s an option to generate your events and feed and then have tailored excerpts
EG: https://test.icalevents.com/agenda/
If ics file does not include urls, then no hover shows, like here
If using ics feed & your ics feed has URL’s AND you do not want a link to the event url at all, then could consider a css removal, but there is no nice clean fully supported way to do that (pointer-events: none is not a great option)
So if not using amr-events AND have an ics file with URL AND still want to disable hover and possibly also the clickthrough, the only other ways are using the https://icalevents.com/support/documentation/filters-and-pluggable-functions/
1) write own formatting summary function (receives full html of the summary link) OR
2) write your own version of the amr-derive-summary function
A sample addon to do either of this is available here, or write your own little addon as per the above page.