Yes I did. Twice. I got no reply. Nothing. I am now very frustrated. Below is the message I sent you yesterday:
I require a plugin for thecartpress plugin for wordpress.
This plugin will be a payment option and will operate as the other payment options listed under “TheCartPress >> Settings >> Payment Methods”.
Fields required (Admin and Merchants):
-Enable or Disable.
-Bitcoin wallet address.
-A checkbox on the registration page “Become a Merchant”. If this box is checked then new member will automatically become a “Merchant marketplace” group member.
-Because I require the site to operate like ebay, the commission payment will work like this: The commission (in this case 5% will go automatically to me (site Admin) while the remaining 95% will go to the Merchant/Vendor.
At the moment the 5% goes to the Merchant and the 95% goes to me (site Admin), this needs to be corrected so the site is like ebay payment system using the bitcoin blockchain with no third party involvement (please see image in ZIP file attached).
The coinify plugin already has blockchain payment connectivity but payments go through a third party, namely coinify. The conify gateway needs to be removed and bitcoin payments transferred directly to the bitcoin blockchain.
This Bitcoin payment method will be usable within the I2P anonymizing network. All the above changes/modifications will be installable as a ZIP file.
I am working to a budget as this is part of a university assignment designed to test bitcoin payments over anonymising networks, in this case I2P.
I have included all required files in the ZIP file attached.
Let me know what you think.
(I am unable to attach files to this message.)