Thank you for the forum link (it doesn’t really seem like there’s a solution there). Google is a little weird with these average scores and how they round them I think. Please take a look at our businesses’ example and let me know if you come to the same conclusion:
Since we only have 55 reviews, I have been able easily track how these are rounded. Quite frankly, it doesn’t make much sense to me because our average score comes out to 4.745454545454545 (51x 5-star review + 1x 3-star review + 3x 1-star reviews = 261/55 = 4.745454545454545). This number should technically be rounded down to 4.7, but I think Google is trying to help businesses and have come up with a different way of rounding up — please continue reading below.
The rounding up occurred (I believe) after we got our last 5-star review. To put this in perspective, when we had 54 reviews, our average score was 4.740740740740741 (256/54). What I take from this is that they must round up from thousandths place. So our last unrounded average score with 54 review was 4.740740740740741 (rounded to 4.74, then to 4.7) and our new 55-review average score was 4.745454545454545 (rounded to 4.75, then to 4.8). That’s the only conclusion I can draw here that makes sense to me. It’s a little weird way to round but it makes sense from a perspective that they are trying to marginally help businesses somewhat.
I’m not sure if there is a way for you to build in rounding like this (or make it an option), but it could potentially resolve this issue for some people that fits this narrow case.