• Hey all,
    I 2 questions.

    1. its possible to set a multiset rating like: 1. quality, 2.xxxx and 3. xxx ? and can I use for that a shortcode in php doc to put the element wherever I want to?
    2. can I show the average of this multiset rating with a shortcode on the php side?
    thanks a lot
    kind regards,


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  • Plugin Author Leo Fajardo


    Hi @robbe1337,

    #1 is possible but it will only display the criteria based on the settings of the relevant element type. In your WordPress site’s administration area, just go to RatingWidget > Settings > Blog Posts tab and click Add Rating, change the labels, then save the changes. To display the rating, you can use this PHP shortcode: rw_the_post_rating( 123, ‘blog-post’ );, assuming that 123 is the ID of a blog post on your site.

    About #2, it is not supported out of the box, but can be done using our API. API is supported as part of the Professional plan. Since you are the first one who asked about it, could you please explain the use case and why you need it?


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