• Resolved Chibanga


    hi, when i use the function to show avatar, many things in my site stop workin, like top bar disappear, the code i use is:

    add_filter( 'mycred_ranking_row', 'my_custom_ranking_rows', 10, 4 );
    function my_custom_ranking_rows( $layout, $template, $row, $position )
    	$avatar = get_avatar( $row['ID'], 32 );
    	return str_replace( '%avatar%', $avatar, $layout );

    any idea why this happens?


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  • Plugin Author myCred



    The reason for this is because that particular code is incorrect. If you took this code from one of the support topics, I think you missed the updated version later in that topic where this was fixed.

    The code should be:

    add_filter( 'mycred_ranking_row', 'my_custom_ranking_rows', 10, 4 );
    function my_custom_ranking_rows( $layout, $template, $row, $position )
    	$avatar = get_avatar( $row['user_id'], 32 );
    	return str_replace( '%avatar%', $avatar, $layout );

    As you can see the issue is that the original code I wrote ID instead of user_id which causes a PHP error, which in turn if you don’t have debug mode enabled causes elements to render incorrectly.

    Try updating your code and see if you get it to work.

    Thread Starter Chibanga


    thank you Gabriel for the replay,

    that didnt work for me, i forgot to tell that this only happens in google chrome in Mozilla works fine, by the way i used ID because user_id get me the wrong avatars because i have cimy plugin with avatars, and if i use ID it gets cimy avatars but even user_id or ID it dosent work on Chrome

    thank you

    Plugin Author myCred


    You are absolutely correct, It should be ID and not user_id.

    If you are having a browser specific issue, I would suggest you inspect the elements in Chrome via Developer Tools and see if you are getting any errors or if the avatar is actually loaded but maybe some custom CSS styling is applied which causes them to be hidden?

    Thread Starter Chibanga


    Now i find out more something i think its a bug, it has to do about the user logged in, if the user appears in leaderboard everything works fine, but if the logged in user is not in the top 10 leaderboard everything breaks.

    Here are 2 printscreens: 1 with account in the leaderbord 1 not in the leaderboard…


    (admin bar missing, and sidebar breaks)

    If i remove the avatar function every thing works fine.

    Another thing i find out:
    #1 Chibanga 634 Pts
    #2 Nephilimadmin 54 Pts
    #3 Pokoio 29 Pts
    #4 dogfish 12 Pts
    #5 httlopes 12 Pts
    #6 iur10 11 Pts
    #7 uglydude024 11 Pts
    #8 copinho29 11 Pts
    #9 pdias666 11 Pts
    #10 metalillo 11 Pts
    #13 xbanga 9 Pts

    #13 appears even if i dont have selected “Append current users position”

    Plugin Author myCred



    Have you selected “Visible to visitors”? If not then logged out users will not see the leaderboard widget.

    Make sure you re-save all myCRED widgets even if you do not make any changes.

    Plugin Author myCred


    You can also enable WP_DEBUG mode in your wp-config.php file to see if you are getting any errors that are related to myCRED.

    Thread Starter Chibanga


    Hi, yes i have it selected, and this printscreen (https://poker.tugasnopoker.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/not-in-leaderboard.jpg) i am logged in.

    i get this errors :/

    Notice: Undefined variable: safe_alt in /home2/tugasonb/public_html/poker/wp-content/plugins/cimy-user-extra-fields/cimy_uef_functions.php on line 673

    Fatal error: Cannot use object of type WP_User as array in /home2/tugasonb/public_html/poker/wp-content/themes/twentyfourteen/functions.php on line 619

    Plugin Author myCred


    So what code do you haev in your themes functions.php file on line 619?

    Thread Starter Chibanga


    $avatar = get_avatar( $row[‘ID’], 32 );

    Plugin Author myCred


    Ah, try using this instead:

    add_filter( 'mycred_ranking_row', 'my_custom_ranking_rows', 10, 4 );
    function my_custom_ranking_rows( $layout, $template, $row, $position )
    	if ( is_object( $row ) )
    		$user_id = $row->ID;
    	elseif ( is_array( $row ) )
    		$user_id = $row['ID'];
    	else return $layout;
    	$avatar = get_avatar( $user_id, 32 );
    	return str_replace( '%avatar%', $avatar, $layout );
    Thread Starter Chibanga


    now works fine thank you very much

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