hi again, no error message is displayed! plus all the photos ive tried are larger than 140px, and the default avatar does not show the wordpress default avatar shows, i have tested this over and over on clean instals with wordpress 4.1 and all default themes, plus it “BREAKS” buddypress @mentions features GO TRY MENTIONING SOMEONE AND YOU WILL SEE the auto suggest is not working with your plugin active, also the @mentions name is replaced in the cover photo with the users real name so noone knows your @mentions name when viewing profile, please take my word for this as for 2 days ive in stalled fresh installs of wordpress and databases and tested lots and lots of nthemes, maybe you need to do a fresh instal and test it out again?
if you have 2 users of your plugin telling you the same thing then you clearly have a problem somewhere that needs addressing with the plugin.
i thank you for your quick responses on these matters = good support, im sure this plugin will get to a useable level soon if you keep working on it at this rate :), i will test your new version in the next hour or so and get back to you.