• Hi All,
    I have installed Booking Salon, but when trying to search for availability, nothing is shown.

    Can you help?

    My website – https://tanifryzjer.com

    “date_format”: “default”,
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    “disabled_message”: “Rezerwacje nie s\u0105 obecnie dost\u0119pne.\r\nProsimy o kontakt telefoniczny +48 737 467 262”,
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    “gen_phone”: “+48 737 467 262”,
    “gen_address”: “ul.Pory 58, Warszawa\r\nWej\u015bcie od Alei Sikorskiego”,
    “gen_timetable”: “W przypadku sp\u00f3\u017anienia powy\u017cej 5 minut, mo\u017cesz utraci\u0107 swoj\u0105 kolejk\u0119.”,
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    “7”: “1”
    “from”: [
    “to”: [
    “email_subject”: “[SALON NAME] – Przypominamy o um\u00f3wionej wizycie dnia [DATE] o godzinie [TIME]”,
    “pay_currency”: “PLN”,
    “pay_currency_pos”: “right”,
    “pay_paypal_email”: “[email protected]”,
    “pay_paypal_test”: “1”,
    “parallels_hour”: “1”,
    “sln_db_version”: “3.0.1”,
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    “sln_access_token”: “{\n \”access_token\” : \”ya29.CjHYArfYF6pNUJQDQSqkgjGaLGSvJe9Sc0osfFNixZaFbSibcNN2CNR_6wNBA3q8DIIf\”,\n \”token_type\” : \”Bearer\”,\n \”expires_in\” : 3600,\n \”refresh_token\” : \”1\/oMeoDuBTejr0-YqU9R1HKjDThnLGhjLqDoKoySQvmNAMEudVrK5jSpoR30zcRFq6\”\n}”,
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    “pay_method”: “paypal”,
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    “minutes_between_reservation”: “5”,
    “cancellation_enabled”: “1”,
    “hours_before_cancellation”: “1”,
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    “sms_remind_interval”: “+1 hour”,
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    “email_remind_interval”: “+2 hours”,
    “week_start”: “1”,
    “holidays”: [
    “from_date”: “2016-05-26”,
    “to_date”: “2016-05-26”,
    “from_time”: “00:00”,
    “to_time”: “23:45”


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