We have installed last plugin version and last plugin version on our demo site. We have no issues with email notifications.
We use for mail body standard WP variable “the_content”. On this variable can take effect some filters from your theme in the functions.php, different page builders plugins, TinyMCE extensions or other plugins that works with email notifications or change WP variable “the_content” in some way.
As solution, you can do following points:
1) deactivate all plugins and try to send a message, in case if issue will remain – try to change active theme on standard one and try to send a message – if issue will disappear than issue is in your theme
2) in case if issue will disappear after plugins deactivation, so you need to activate plugins one by one and try to find plugin that takes affect on our plugin.
We understand that ways that described above will take a lot of time, however it is not common plugin issue and we’re not able to replicate it on our dev equipment.
Please let us know if this information will help you.