• Could you try to make this plugin compatible with Autoptimize and other css/js minimizers out there?

    The problem is that you’re creating a Javascript block on the webpage source code:

    <script type="text/javascript">/*  */
    var fb_timeout = null;
    var fb_opts = { 'overlayShow' : true, 'hideOnOverlayClick' : true, 'showCloseButton' : true, 'centerOnScroll' : true, 'enableEscapeButton' : true, 'autoScale' : true };
    var easy_fancybox_handler = function(){
    	/* IMG */
    	var fb_IMG_select = 'a[href*=".jpg"]:not(.nofancybox,.pin-it-button), area[href*=".jpg"]:not(.nofancybox), a[href*=".jpeg"]:not(.nofancybox,.pin-it-button), area[href*=".jpeg"]:not(.nofancybox), a[href*=".png"]:not(.nofancybox,.pin-it-button), area[href*=".png"]:not(.nofancybox)';
    	jQuery(fb_IMG_select).addClass('fancybox image');
    	var fb_IMG_sections = jQuery('div.gallery');
    	fb_IMG_sections.each(function() { jQuery(this).find(fb_IMG_select).attr('rel', 'gallery-' + fb_IMG_sections.index(this)); });
    	jQuery('a.fancybox, area.fancybox, li.fancybox a:not(li.nofancybox a)').fancybox( jQuery.extend({}, fb_opts, { 'transitionIn' : 'elastic', 'easingIn' : 'easeInBack', 'transitionOut' : 'elastic', 'easingOut' : 'easeOutBack', 'opacity' : false, 'hideOnContentClick' : false, 'titleShow' : true, 'titlePosition' : 'inside', 'titleFromAlt' : true, 'showNavArrows' : true, 'enableKeyboardNav' : true, 'cyclic' : false }) );
    /*  */</script>

    This script needs to have jQuery loaded before and most optimizing plugins will move the combined javascript file to the bottom, which breaks Easy Fancybox. Couldn’t this block code be moved to a file or at least use document.ready?


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  • I forgot to mention the only way it works now it’s to exclude jquery from the optimizing process so it loads before your script.

    Hi Webdados, thanks for identifying the problem. It will be indeed a good thing to have compatibility with most minify plugins…

    I have used W3TC’s Minify module but found no incompatibility. Are you sure it’s the fact that jQuery loads after that code block? The thing is that that code block does nothing on its own. Its just some variables being defined. The ‘magic’ happens at the footer where the function handler is called:

    <script type="text/javascript">
    jQuery(document).on('ready post-load', easy_fancybox_handler );

    And yes, that does use jQuery… Is that footer block showing before the minified script call where jQuery is packed? If so, then you are right, it will not work. If not, there is something else going wrong.

    Can you share a link to a page where I can see the issue live?

    I am sorry. I’ve just installed a fresh WordPress with just Easy Fancybox and Autoptimize and it works. I’ve double checked my initial problem and it’s another script that it’s triggering an error that then stops Easy Fancybox from loading correctly.


    Could you tell me what kind of script caused this problem? I’ve the same issue.

    Thank you in advance.

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