• I thought the announcements of Automattic Stats plugin were misleading.

    The plugin touts the fact that you can see your stats “on your Dashboard.” WARNING: This is not Your Dashboard as you know it, traditional WP-self-installed users. It’s another dashboard, over on WordPress.com.

    So if you want to view your stats, you have to login on WP.com, which in my case is a different login name and password from my regular site. It’s potentially confusing because the login pages look exactly the same as my home wordpress install. You have to look at the URL to realize you’re on a different site asking for a different login/pw.

    Unless I’m missing something here….

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  • Weary Hi To All,
    WP 2.3.3
    Stats plugin.
    On WP.org.
    All went well until Clicking on Stats.
    Screen comes up asking for WP.com signin.
    At this point I realize this is a horese of another color and is nor the same as WP.org.
    Nothing I enter takes, shows errors of Username and / or password.
    Then another error shows up stating the email (mine) is already taken and is in use! How can that be? I try my alternate email, and that shows up as also being taken. I used the same same WP.org KEY when I activated the stats plugin. So I now have an activated stats plugin that I can’t access!
    What needs to be done or changed.

    OK, got some progress.
    Now, regardless of which API key I try, all I get is this notice:

    Error from last API Key attempt:
    The owner of that API Key (bythetalker) is not on the access list for this blog. When this blog was registered, thetalker’s API key was used. To add you to the access list, thetalker must visit this blog’s stats dashboard page and use the form at the bottom of that page.

    Where is the blasted form one is asked to fill in at the bottom of the page? Unable to find a form at either of the two sites: WP.org and WP.com.

    Add me to the list of folks who are having trouble with that dang API key, stats, and 2.5. Grrr! I’m seeing a variety of messages.

    talker – I’m in the same boat, however, I want to be able to UNDO what I just did – i.e. – It just registered a blog to a wordpress.com account with a certain API key, and now I want to UN-register that blog & API key/wordpress.com combination.

    I’ve looked at the wordpress.com forums, and it seems this is something Automattic is working on, yet won’t give a timeframe for for.

    We’re all stuck until they get that working, unless you want 2 API key accounts to have access to your stats (I don’t) and can figure out where that form is at the bottom of the page?

    Guess I’m disabling this plugin for now.

    Update – I contacted WordPress.com’s support, and they un-registered the (incorrect) blog & API key/wordpress.com account combination for me (there currently is no way to do this user-side) – but I still cannot get the WP Stats plugin to work – I still get –

    Error from last API Key attempt:

    The owner of that API Key (myblog) is not on the access list for this blog. When this blog was registered, *’s API key was used. To add you to the access list, * must visit this blog’s stats dashboard page and use the form at the bottom of that page.

    * the name of the 2nd blog is supposed to be listed in these 2 places, but it’s blank, I assume because wordpress.com deleted it from their system.

    So now, it’s a plugin issue (not recognizing that the blog is no longer registered).

    I think the warning at the bottom – “Be sure to use your own API key! Using any other key will lock you out of your stats.”, should be in BIG BOLD lettering for idiots like me – Guess I’m stuck, unless there’s a way to un-lock me out of my stats???

    Having the same problem, just wanted to add my voice.

    Basically the same exact situation as Casa, except I haven’t had support delete my old user and API yet.

    Had an API for Askimet, deactivate that plugin and the API for the upgrade to 2.5, but apparently there is more tied to my external website than just the API key.

    Amusing, having a warning telling you not to use your own API key…

    I’ll keep an eye on this thread for a solution to the non-existent ‘access list’ problem.

    Looks like the WP login system didn’t accept my password anymore, the account was tied to an out of date email address, so I figured I’d just get a new API + account and it would be easy peasy…boy was I wrong. And to boot when I created my new account the system accepted my KeePass-generated password during account creation, and then didn’t accept it during login…nice!

    Is there a REASON this is SO DIFFICULT?

    “Please delete my account

    We don’t. Don’t worry about unused accounts. It doesn’t hurt anything.

    The software could break if we deleted accounts, so accounts are permanent.”

    I can’t even keep straight what site I’m on, what login I should be using, how to find my way from my dashboard to help docs to the forums back to this post, back to my profile (which one am I looking at again)…what a damn mess…reminds me of account management over at EA.com…

    No, seriously. If I want my account deleted, you should delete it. It //obviously// sometimes DOES hurt something. And if the software breaks because you delete the accounts, fire your programmers.

    How does one contact WordPress support? They seem to have made that extremely difficult.

    Sorry if I come across as incredibly annoyed, something about wasting two hours trying to figure out a mess caused by one bit of short-sightedness after another has this effect on me…

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    The authors of the stats plugin can be contacted here:

    Please tell them your problem and about this thread. Maybe they’ll work on a way to provide better support for this specific issue (hint!).

    I am having the same login issues. Has anyone resolved this issue yet?

    I try to login with the same credentials as I do for this site but it will not accept them and returns: “ERROR: Incorrect password.” I assume the API is working because I see the top three stats in my dashboard.

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