Okay. I’ve worked on this for almost 5 hours now and as far as I’ve gotten is a link that I can click, choose the new user, and click send.
I added a php get $_GET['subject']
to the subject and message inputs so I could add parameters to a url to autofill the form.
In \wp-content\plugins\devnia-pm-based-on-cartpauj-pm\pm-class.php
$newMsg .= __("Subject", "cartpaujpm").":<br/>".
"<input type='text' class='form-control' name='message_title' maxlength='65' value='". $_GET['subject'] ."' placeholder='Subject' /><br/>".
__("Message", "cartpaujpm")."
<textarea class='form-control' name='message_content' placeholder='Your Message' style='resize:vertical;'>". $_GET['message'] ."</textarea>";
Then I used https://www.url-encode-decode.com to paste in my message and encode it.
Then I created the link and added it somewhere I can easily get to it during my workflow.
https://yoursite.com/?pmaction=newmessage&subject=[YOUR SUBJECT]&message=[YOUR MESSAGE]
That’s all I got, folks. It’s not automated but at least it’s only a couple clicks.