• Good day dear WordPress – community,

    I’ll start directly. It’s about the conversion of the WooCommerce system. I have not changed anything until now. I describe best the procedure:

    I put something in the cart and would like to pay by bank transfer go to “Chekout”. Enter my data and go to order. Now the customer automatically gets an email from the registered e-mail address. In the backend, this process is called: “Bank Transfer Expects Status of Order from Payment Pending to Restarted.”

    The customer goes in the email on Pay and then the following notice appears in red: “The status of this order is” waiting “- it can not be paid. Please contact us if you need help. ”

    I understand that I have to change the backend manually now. I do not want this. This should happen automatically. This means that the “waiting position” is skipped.

    I found a link to https://www.vertrieb-im-netz.de/woocommerce-bestellungen-nach-paypal-zahlung-automatisch-abschliessen/

    But unfortunately I do not understand or can someone describe me again in detail in which functions folder must be the code? Is that the right code at all?


    p.s. sorry for the bad english i translated it with gooogle ??

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  • Hi @bbb3,

    For bank transfer payments there is no automated way for woocommerse to know of you have received the money or not because it does not have access to your bank account. You do not want your ecommerce site to have direct access to your bank account because it would be very insecure.

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