Automatically mark lessons complete
Is there any way to mark lessons complete automatically, bypassing the “mark complete” button?
When I searched, I turned up the following thread:
I saw reference there to a setting that allows you to automatically proceed to the next lesson when clicking the mark complete button, but when I looked in the settings the closest thing I could find was a “Retake Lessons” option which is not the same thing at all. There was a script linked to programmatically mark lessons complete, but it doesn’t seem to be what I’m looking for.
Ideally, I’d just want to combine the “mark complete” button and “next lesson” button so that clicking “next” marks the current lesson complete.
Also, on the topic of the “Retake Lessons” button, would it be possible to get something similar to retake whole sections or whole courses?
That thread is pretty old
In 3.0 we removed the option for automatic advancing and now lessons automatically advance when clicking “mark as complete”
We don’t have a setting for removing the mark complete button. It gets pretty complicated pretty quick but a lot of things in LifterLMS rely on things being recorded as being completed. If you take that functionality away you’re creating a lot more issues than your solving.
On the roadmap is auto-completion of audio and video lessons where we can record based on media progress. But that’s a lower priority so it’s a bit off yet.
You can programmatically complete (and uncomplete) things now:
llms_mark_complete() and llms_mark_incomplete()
Retaking a whole course or section is a great idea. Please submit it as a feature request at!
I did something that might help. We only wanted to one button at the bottom to avoid confusion, so made the “next lesson” button trigger the mark complete button via jquery and hide it via css.
The issue to work around though is that IF the lesson is complete, the mark complete button doesn’t exist so you need to test for it first.
// test if lesson is already complete by checking if the mark_complete div exists var lessonCompleted = false; if($('#llms_mark_complete').length == 0){ lessonCompleted = true; }; // if the lesson in NOT complete this will trigger the mark complete button. If lesson IS complete the next lesson button will function as normal. $('.llms-next-lesson').click(function(e) { if(lessonCompleted == false){ e.preventDefault(); $('#llms_mark_complete').trigger("click"); } });
Technically the above could be triggered from other events but would then need an else statement triggering the ‘next lesson’ button.
@thomasplevy Thanks! I guess I got distracted by the completion message and didn’t realize that it was already automatically completing. ?? What I was asking wasn’t to get rid of the button and functionality, but if there was a way to merge it with the next button–so that if you click for the next lesson, it’s the same as clicking mark complete.
About the incomplete thing–I sent in a feature request, as recommended.
I have another question. Is it possible to customize ths slugs for the custom post types LifterLMS adds? For instance, instead of /course/name/ have it be /program/name/ or instead of /lesson/name/ be /module/name/ etc?
Sure, I have an example of how to do this for a lesson here:
You can replace the filter on line 20 with the course-equivalent: lifterlms_register_post_type_course
After adding these codes to your theme/plugin you’ll want to make sure you flush your rewrite rules (you’ll end up with 404s on existing content if you dont!)
How to flush:
Hope that helps,
@jstead Oops, you posted that while I was writing my previous reply, so I didn’t see it before! I’m not really too familiar w/ jquery, where did you put this? Also, did you have anything in place for incomplete buttons?
@thomasplevy Thanks! I’m going to test that out. Is there a filter for
?Also, I’ve been testing out LifterLMS on a local site that has WooCommerce installed and I noticed that when testing out updating account fields through the WooCommerce account page, it redirected to the LifterLMS account page (with a LifterLMS notification). Do I need the WooCommerce compatibility extension to prevent this? Or is there a way to just prevent this w/ a snippet?
In all my projects I add a custom Javascript file for custom code editions like this.
Add the following code to your function.php to load a custom javascript file from the following location [yourTheme-child]/js/custom-scripts.js
// Load Custom JavaScript file function mytheme_custom_scripts() { if ( ! is_admin() ) { wp_enqueue_script('jquery'); $scriptsrc = get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/js/'; wp_register_script( 'myhandle', $scriptsrc . 'custom-scripts.js', 'jquery', '1.0', TRUE ); wp_enqueue_script( 'myhandle' ); } } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'mytheme_custom_scripts' );
Then within that JavaScript file add the previously mentioned snippet within a JQuery document ready function.
jQuery(document).ready(function($) { var lessonCompleted = false; if($('#llms_mark_complete').length == 0){ lessonCompleted = true; }; $('.llms-next-lesson').click(function(e) { if(lessonCompleted == false){ e.preventDefault(); $('#llms_mark_complete').trigger("click"); } }); }
I made this prior to the incomplete button being added, so not sure how it works… but from what I can gather, you wouldn’t want the incomplete button to have the functionality this gives (combining with the “next-lesson” button)
so, I have been using something very similar to these concepts for a while now. essentially hid the “mark complete” button and fired the mark_complete form using a jquery “click”
this does two things nicely – registers completion and serves the “next” lesson.
EXCEPT!! the last lesson in the course gets stuck. rather than a default for end-of-course, you just send back the same url. Of course, the second time, the mark complete button is removed since now it is considered a “completed” lesson. but still, users see the last lesson twice, which is a real bummer when it is a final exam!!
you have a very simple opportunity to add a hook in the following code for get next lesson… I am at a loss right now how to deal with this other than literally removing the mark_complete action from init and adding a custom version that provides an end-of-course option. the approach would be to detect a null on next lesson and provide an alternative
public function get_next_lesson() { $parent_section = $this->get_parent_section(); $current_position = $this->get_order(); $next_position = $current_position + 1; $args = array( 'posts_per_page' => 1, 'post_type' => 'lesson', 'nopaging' => true, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'meta_query' => array( 'relation' => 'AND', array( 'key' => '_llms_parent_section', 'value' => $parent_section, 'compare' => '=', ), array( 'key' => '_llms_order', 'value' => $next_position, 'compare' => '=', ) ), ); $lessons = get_posts( $args ); //return the first one even if there for some crazy reason were more than one. if ( $lessons ) { return $lessons[0]->ID; } else { // See if there is another section after this section and get first lesson there $parent_course = $this->get_parent_course(); $cursection = new LLMS_Section( $this->get_parent_section() ); $current_position = $cursection->get_order(); $next_position = $current_position + 1; $args = array( 'post_type' => 'section', 'posts_per_page' => 500, 'meta_key' => '_llms_order', 'order' => 'ASC', 'orderby' => 'meta_value_num', 'meta_query' => array( 'relation' => 'AND', array( 'key' => '_llms_parent_course', 'value' => $parent_course, 'compare' => '=', ), array( 'key' => '_llms_order', 'value' => $next_position, 'compare' => '=', ) ), ); $sections = get_posts( $args ); if ( $sections ) { $newsection = new LLMS_Section( $sections[0]->ID ); $lessons = $newsection->get_children_lessons(); if ( $lessons ) { return $lessons[0]->ID; } else { return false; } } else { return false; // no! no! no!! } } }
This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by
Sure, it’s exactly what you said
and it works the same as lesson!Also, I’ve been testing out LifterLMS on a local site that has WooCommerce installed and I noticed that when testing out updating account fields through the WooCommerce account page, it redirected to the LifterLMS account page (with a LifterLMS notification). Do I need the WooCommerce compatibility extension to prevent this? Or is there a way to just prevent this w/ a snippet?
I’m sorry about this. I think this is an unintended event. I will take a closer look at this and see if we can fix this in the WordPress core.
I’ve filed a potential bug in GitHub so I don’t lose track of it:
There’s always room for more hooks actions and filters.
Please understand that I am a single human being that does my very best to anticipate the needs of all our users and developers.
I’ve missed something obviously. Can you hook me up with a pull request for the hook you need:
@thomasplevy – I’m always grateful for the work you do to make lifter a great product. I see providing specific opportunities for improvement as the most effective way to support those efforts!
I’ll look at a developing a pull request.
@jstead I tried the code you posted but nothing happened when clicking the next button–is there any step you skipped? I’m not too familiar with jquery, so I’m not sure what’s not working.
@thomasplevy Do you need any info to replicate the behavior?
@sdwarwick I hope your pull request is successful ??
No thank you, will be working on it later today and let you know once I get it resolved. Sorry for the delay it’s been a hectic week…
This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by
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