Hi @e_guardia,
I’m sorry you had a bad experience with our plugin.
Could you please let me know what you meant with “…constantly wanting you to run through the setup wizard…”? Our plugin only runs the setup wizard automatically right after the plugin is activated for the very first time (new plugin install). If it’s trying to run multiple times, then there must be something wrong and it would be great if you can provide additional information, so we can look into it.
WPForms is not installed automatically, it’s only installed if the user chooses so in one of the Setup Wizard steps (there is a checkbox for it that can be disabled and a notice in the footer of the step that the plugin will be installed if the checkbox is enabled). This checkbox is only displayed if the current WP site does not have any other contact form plugin already installed.
I hope you’ll give us another chance as our main goal is to make it as easy as possible for users to send emails (that are delivered) from their WordPress site.
Take care!