Hi @damonsomu
I hope you’re well today and thank you for your question!
Currently there’s no option to copy field data form one field to another like this (it would require custom code) but there’s one exception and I think it may work for you for this scenario.
That exception is a “HTML” type field.
Here is how you could do it:
1. add one textarea field for “Present Address” (let’s say it’s “textarea-1”)
2. add radio button for “Is Present Address the same as Permanent Address” with “yes” and “no” options
3. add second textarea field for “Permanent Address” (let’s say it’s “textarea-2”)
4. and add a HTML field for address preview (for user convenience, give it the same label as the second text area; for example “Permanent Address”).
5. In that HTML field use “{textarea-1}” tag in content and it will automatically “copy” all the data form the textarea-1 to HTML field in real time.
6. Now set a visibility logic for both “textarea-2” and HTML field:
– for “textarea-2” set it to show this field is radio is set to “no” (so Present Address is not the same as Permanent Address)
– for HTML field set it to show this field if radio is set to “yes” (so Present Address is the same as Permanent Address).
As a result:
– user will fill in Present Address
– if they select “no” in radio field they’ll be presented with Permanent Address text field where they can put another address
– if they select “yes” in radio field, they will not see textarea but the data they entered in Present Address field will be displayed to them (read-only).
The only downside of that is that the HTML field is not included in submission so it won’t be saved with form data. But on the other hand, that field only shows if Present Address and Permanent address are the same and you still have information about it indicated by the radio field option – which is saved with submissions.
Would that work for you?
Best regards,