• Hello to all,
    I’m trying to visualize on the Archive page, the second level categories contained in the main category.

    I would like to create a menu that displays the main category and its sub categories. How can I do it?

    Thank you

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by Jan Dembowski. Reason: Moved to Fixing WordPress, this is not an Developing with WordPress topic
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  • Moderator bcworkz


    “Menu” as in the standard WP navigation menu (wp_nav_menu())? Or a list of category links in page content? This list could still be styled like a nav menu, but it wouldn’t be generated by calling wp_nav_menu().

    Adding wp_list_categories(); to the relevant template will list all categories. To list only descendants of the current category, provide a “parent” or “child_of” argument, passing the current category term’s ID as the value.

    If your theme is using archive.php to list category term posts, you may want to make a copy of the template and name it category.php, which would only be used for category term requests. Putting wp_list_categories() on archive.php could cause problems with non-category archive requests, like tag or date requests.

    Thread Starter woodypad


    Thank you for your answer!

    However, it is still not clear to me.
    To show the second level categories of a category what should I write?

    Thank you

    Moderator bcworkz


    Ideally you’d create a category.php template based on archive.php (if one does not already exist). When you alter templates of a theme that’s subject to periodic updates, it’s important to create a child theme. Otherwise your custom coding will be lost during updates.

    On category.php, locate where you want the output to occur relative to existing output. Determine if this location is plain HTML or within a <?php ?> block. If plain HTML, create your own <?php ?> block. Inside of a <?php ?> place something like:

       'parent'=> get_queried_object_id(),

    You’ll likely need to apply additional CSS code to get this list to appear like you want. This CSS can go in the customizer’s Additional CSS section. Or if you made a child theme, in the child’s styles.css file.

    Thread Starter woodypad


    Hello bcworkz,
    thanks again for your reply.

    Already tried, great it works!
    One last thing, the code also shows the word “Categories”
    Do you think it’s possible not to show it?

    Thank you

    Thread Starter woodypad


    I tried to write as below, but it hides the word “Categories” but it shows all categories…

    I would need to show the parent category and the second level categories.
    Thank you

    wp_list_categories('title_li', [
    	   'parent'=> get_queried_object_id(),
    Moderator bcworkz


    Close, but not quite ?? Like this:

               'title_li' => '',
    	   'parent'=> get_queried_object_id(),

    Assuming the parent doesn’t need to be linkified since we’re already on its archive page, you could just add get_the_archive_title() as the ‘title_li’ arg, replacing the ''.

    Thread Starter woodypad


    Hi, thanks again!
    I added get_the_archive_title () everything is fine, but keep showing me the word “Category”.
    I can’t get rid of it.

    Thank you

    Moderator bcworkz


    Heh, WP sure likes sticking taxonomy names if front of things. In each iteration, it comes from a different source. Category text “Whack a mole”.

    Let’s do it this way:

    $obj = get_queried_object();
               'title_li' => $obj->name,
    	   'parent'=> $obj->term_id,
    Thread Starter woodypad


    Simply thank you!

    Merry Christmas

    Thread Starter woodypad


    i have a similar problem, i created a different layout for the second level category page. I thought that by entering the same code, it would still return the same second level categories as the main category.
    Then I would have highlighted the active one from ccs. This is clearly not the case.

    Probably because I’m trying to use it as if it were a menu.
    Thank you

    Moderator bcworkz


    Well, it is a menu of sorts. Maybe not a formal WP nav menu, but a menu none the less.

    For child level pages, the queried object is that child, so to get its siblings listed you’d pass its parent ID as the “parent” arg.
    'parent'=> $obj->parent,
    “wp_list_categories” is also a filter hook for the list’s HTML output. A custom callback could find the queried object in the list and add a “current-item” class attribute to the proper list item. That should make highlighting with CSS easier.

    You could get the same code to work on every template, parent or child, by including a conditional that checks the queried object’s parent property. If it’s 0, pass its term_id as the “parent” arg, otherwise pass its parent ID.

    Thread Starter woodypad


    It works perfectly, Thanks!

    There is only one thing, the name that precedes the categories, is now rewritten returning the active category, instead I would like that text to keep the name of the main category that contains them all.

    I tried to write like this but it doesn’t work.
    Thank you

    $obj = get_queried_object( $parent = 0 );
               'title_li' => $primary_term->name,
    	   'parent'=> $obj->parent,
    Thread Starter woodypad


    Hello @bcworkz
    nothing I have not found a solution.

    Also I noticed that the categories that do not have subcategories are shown as “NO CATEGORIES” so it turns out like this.
    NEWS > NO CATEGORIES, in this case it would be better not to show anything.
    Thank you

    Thread Starter woodypad


    I fixed everything but one thing, I can’t make the first entry clickable. That is, the one that returns the name of the Parent category.
    The code I’m using as a base is this:

    $obj = get_queried_object();
    $parent = $obj->parent;
    $parentterm = get_term_by(‘id’, $parent, ‘category’);
    $_title_li = $parentterm->name;
    $_parent = $parent;
    $_title_li = $obj->name;
    $_parent = $obj->term_id;

    $args = array(‘parent’ => $_parent);
    $categories_cnt = count(get_categories( $args ));
    ‘title_li’ => $_title_li,
    ‘parent’=> $_parent,]);
    Thank you

    Thread Starter woodypad


    Hi thanks, i found a solution.

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