I’m now having trouble creating a hyperlink to play the audio. When I look at the file in my file directory I see a question mark next to the file rather than a musical note. Is this part of the reason why I can’t get a good url?
The link I see when I hove my mouse over it is:
https://www.richardsilverstein.com/tikun_olam/files/HOLY SPIRITS CHOIR SIYAKUBONGA.wma .
But when I click “copy link location” & paste the url into my post box it appears as this: https://www.richardsilverstein.com/tikun_olam/files/HOLY%20SPIRITS%20CHOIR%20SIYAKUBONGA.wma.
When I click this link in the file directory, it plays the song. But if I place this url into my post as a link I get a “The requested URL /tikun_olam/files/holy does not exist” error. The percentage signs don’t look like good hyperlink format, so there’s something wrong with the file name. How would I find the correct name & why does the url look this way in the file directory?
THe upload finally worked. I noticed that my ‘transfer type’ was set to ascii. I set it to “auto” & that’s when the upload finally succeeded. Don’t know what made this work, but I’m glad it did.