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  • Hi, first, my pleasure, its a fantastic plug and work.
    My problem:
    If I use a real cron by dissabling wp cron in wp-config and call a linux cron, and the con realy works, but auto updates didn’t if easy updates manager is active. Can this be?
    When I use real crons, than comes no any plugin or theme updates again, but new in the cue.
    Thank for suggestions

    I solved the problem by my self. I using iThemeSecurity to protect WordPress and it is active the black list from HackRepair, so inside is block wget from client header. After white listing my own server, now external crons are running fine and Easy Updates too. ??

    Remember: the disorder of paranoid admins ??

    Plugin Contributor Matthew


    Glad you were able to resolve it. Sorry I didn’t notice sooner. Next time if you could kindly post a new support thread instead of tagging it onto a existing thread that would be awesome.

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