• Few hours ago I wanted to activate the auto upgrade on WordPress for my webpage local on my computer via mamp. I read the codex, and, did as I was told:

    1. I went to the wp-config and added this line on the end of file

    define( 'WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE', true );

    2. I am using .git on this installation so I added this line aswell:

    add_filter( 'automatic_updates_is_vcs_checkout', '__return_false', 1 );

    3. I installed Background Update Tester-plugin which told me that anything should be alright:

    PASS: Your WordPress install can communicate with www.remarpro.com securely.
    INFO: The folder was detected as being under version control (.git), but the automatic_updates_is_vcs_checkout filter is allowing updates.
    PASS: Your installation of WordPress doesn’t require FTP credentials to perform updates.
    PASS: All of your WordPress files are writable.

    Now I waited a few hourse, loaded the pages, relogged into backend, changed browsers, emptied cache, BUT still I am 3.9.1.

    Question now:
    -What did I do wrong?
    -Any different solutions to get a fully automatic upgrade on wordpress?

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  • Running on localhost is a slightly different to regular hosting in that most likely you do not have an FTP server running on your own machine. Why would you need to provide FTP to anyone ? It was only after installing an FTP server on my LAMP pc, that I was able to install plugins the usual way, presumably updating the core uses the same mechanism.

    Can you download and install plugins from within the Dashboard ?

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