?? I got a bit curious about this and decided to test it, and it worked in my test. I setup my store in the USA though. I noticed that the API used for tax calculations is supported in 30 countries, including some in Scandinavia, but you should check the list for your country specifically. You can find the list of supported countries at https://developers.taxjar.com/api/reference/#countries
Okay! Backing up just a little (and for reference), in my test I used the following versions of things:
- WordPress 5.8
- Jetpack 9.9.1
- WooCommerce 5.5.1
- WooCommerce Shipping & Tax 1.25.17
- No other plugins!
In my test, I followed the setup and configuration guide at https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/woocommerce-shipping-and-tax/woocommerce-tax/ and I feel you should also double check those settings. In addition, make sure the products you want to have taxes calculated for have “Tax status” = “Taxable” in the Product data > General section (just below the description area when editing a product). I had mine set to “None” at first (mine was a test site don’t forget) and of course the tax won’t calculate for a product if its tax status is set to none. If you’re in contact with the WooCommerce support team, hopefully you are since it was mentioned in the previous comment, you’re probably already checking up on those things but if you haven’t started troubleshooting with them yet then do have a look at the troubleshooting section in the setup guide (linked earlier in this paragraph) because there’s also a helpful instruction there for how to turn on logs for the taxes and those details may come in handy when working with the support team.
Best of luck and please message back here if you are able to resolve the issue so I know how it turned out!