Hi. Two things about my site that may have something to do with the error message. the site is view only on mobile. If someone were to register on the site they would get an email to set password and a link to the login page. On mobile that link is redirected ( function.php) with the conditional tag if mobile (mobble plugin) to a page that say’s mobile is view only. login not available. something else /wp-admin is redirected to https://test1.jerrypages.com/wp-admin/profile.php (simple 301 redirects plugin). With this used with the admin menu editor plugin a registered user can go to there profile page and there can be no dashboard link. There can also be a dashboard link to dashboard home, a dashboard link to updates or both.
With all the plugins deactivated (and the redirect removed from php because of the conditional tag if mobile) and the AIO plugin deleted , when AIO is reinstalled once it’s activated I am sent to the login page with the error message.
Thank you